
Is software development a dead-end job at any age?

Is software development a dead-end job at any age?

One of the great things about software development is it’s all about your passion to learn and ability to perform, which is demonstrated by my dad’s career and the careers of thousands others. If you don’t have those required ingredients, then sure, software development is a dead-end job at any age.

Can over-45s stay in software development?

Software development is a young person’s purview, according to a Harvey Nash Technology Survey. Expert David Savage explains how over-45s can stay in the game. Do you worry about finding a job?

What percentage of computer science graduates become programmers?

[S]ix years after finishing college, 57 percent of computer science graduates are working as programmers; at 15 years the figure drops to 34 percent, and at 20 years — when most are still only in their early 40’s — it is down to 19 percent. In contrast, the figures for civil engineering are 61 percent, 52 percent and 52 percent.

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Should you be a woman or a male software developer?

And 54\% say you should be a woman — though, since 85\% of people employed in technology aren’t, it’s not practical advice. However, 55\% of survey respondents say that working in a “very innovative organization” helps soften the effects of a cultural software developer age limit.

Should every engineer plan for an early retirement?

If your career works out, then that’s great. You’ll keep the early retirement option in your back pocket. If your career went down the drain like mine did, you’ll be able to say goodbye without begging. Now, let’s see why I think every engineer should plan for an early retirement.

Do companies want more from their senior engineers?

Companies want more from their senior engineers. When you get to a certain level, you need to become a “multiplier.” This means you need to work more effectively through other people. Basically, doing technical work isn’t enough anymore. You need to have lots of meeting and hash things out.

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How did the 66 year old developer respond to the prospect?

The developer agreed to think about the prospect and they agreed to touch base again in a week. That 66-year-old developer is my father. He is collecting social security while being courted by Google. He had a fulfilling career running his own company, consulting, and being an employee.

Does Google look at your age when hiring?

The recruiter confirmed that yes, his date of birth was on file, and that Google didn’t factor age into its recruitment policies. The developer agreed to think about the prospect and they agreed to touch base again in a week.

What is it like to get into programming at age 33?

When I got into programming at age 33, it felt exactly the same. The discipline, the hours, the speed of progression; all very similar. Having devoted many thousands of hours to mastering a skill in my teenage years and again in my 30s, I’m not aware of any differences in capacity to improve at one age over the other.

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Is there any good programming jobs for people over 50?

There are some good programming and IS jobs out there for people over 50 they just might not be glamorous. Surak, MC, Mike and Tim God Bless you guys. Good luck. I am 52 almost 53 have been out of work as a computer tech/help desk/network admin. sense Aug 29th. I have a great resume’ that has been reworked by several people to help me.

How important is experience in a software development career?

Experience is important, but sometimes people just become too expensive. If you are that person, you must realize that you will not always get a raise when you change jobs or get more experience. If you decide to stay in software development, you have decided to make some maximum dollar amount in your city.