
Is simple code better?

Is simple code better?

Simple code is more likely to work the first time. Plus, simple code is straightforward to write, saving you time. Yes, it may feel repetitious, and the clever part of your brain is going to be begging you for a “better” solution with greater micro-performance in fewer lines of code.

What keeps code easy to maintain?

One of the most important factors influencing the maintainability of code is its readability. The more readable the code is, the easier it is to maintain that code. The more cryptic and difficult to understand code is, the more difficult it is to maintain. It’s that plain and simple.

How to learn coding for Dummies step by step?

Step By Step Guide To Coding For Dummies 3.1. Step 1: Work Out Why You Want To Learn How To Code 3.2. Step 2: Choose The Right Languages 3.3. Step 3: Choose The Right Resources To Help You Learn 3.4. Step 4: Download A Code Editor

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Should I Optimize my code to be more readable?

Don’t prematurely optimize. Readable code is likely maintainable code. It is easier to optimize maintainable code, than to maintain unreadable (but fast) code. That being said, both of your examples are less than readable. iterating through (as in @Useless’s) answer, might help.

Does the amount of lines of code in a program imply complexity?

The amount of lines of code does not necessarily imply that the software is complex, But the amount of computational power it requires to execute. Such as complex mathematical problems. For example Ackermann’s function.Take a look at this code. It’s just few lines of code.

What is the best way to learn a programming language?

One of the best ways to keep learning and to reinforce your knowledge of a programming language is to unpack someone else’s code. Find a program or code file somewhere – GitHub is a great place to start – and open it in your code editor.