
Is real estate a good career in 2020?

Is real estate a good career in 2020?

The real estate market is ever-shifting. The fluctuations within the real estate market have been worse in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has caused many sellers to pull off their listings and interest rates to hit a record low. Still, we believe it’s a good time to become a realtor.

Why real estate is a good career?

A top reason people explore real estate is that they are fascinated by it. They get a thrill from touring properties and imagining how to transform spaces and build lives within them. “Real estate provides a path to financial freedom, a flexible schedule, and the personal fulfillment of helping families own their home.

Is real estate a good career choice?

Real estate really is a great career choice. This article isn’t meant to scare anyone away from real estate, but is offered to be an honest look at the real estate business from both sides of success and failure.

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Is real estate a good business?

Real Estate is a Great Business. Real estate really is a great career choice. This article isn’t meant to scare anyone away from real estate, but is offered to be an honest look at the real estate business from both sides of success and failure.

How hard is it to become a real estate agent?

Becoming a real estate agent isn’t hard, but being one is. Successful agents have a strong work ethic, discipline, and thick skin. Before you do anything, you’ll need to choose a pre-license course. To work as a licensed agent, you need have a license. This will take about 2 months to obtain, but can be expedited with a little hard work.

Can you really work from home as a real estate agent?

You can work from home, set your own goals, and reap the rewards of your successes. “You are your own boss, which is a big factor in why people get into it,” said Marcel Tessier, a real estate agent with more than 30 years of experience in residential real estate. “The hours are a big factor,” he said.