
Is paraphrasing allowed in academic writing?

Is paraphrasing allowed in academic writing?

Paraphrasing in academic writing is an effective way to restate, condense, or clarify another author’s ideas while also providing credibility to your own argument or analysis. While successful paraphrasing is essential for strong academic writing, unsuccessful paraphrasing can result in unintentional plagiarism.

What are the requirements for paraphrasing at an academic level?

An effective paraphrase is… 1. Original—paraphrases should use your own fresh vocabulary, phrasing, and sentence structure, not the sentence structure, phrasing and words of your source. 2. Accurate—paraphrases must precisely reflect the ideas, tone, and emphasis of your source.

What are the 4 R’s of paraphrasing?

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Key Resource: The 4 R’s–A Paraphrasing Strategy Review the graphic below that explains the 4 R’s: Read, Restate, Recheck, and Repair and use the attached graphic organizer to help you practice paraphrasing by using this strategy.

What is paraphrasing in academic writing PDF?

A paraphrase is rewriting a piece of text in your own words, while retaining the meaning. It is usually similar in length to the original text. Both paraphrasing and summarising are important techniques in academic writing.

When should you use paraphrasing in your writing?


  1. You want to clarify a short passage from a text.
  2. You want to avoid overusing quotations.
  3. You want to explain a point when exact wording isn’t important.
  4. You want to explain the main points of a passage.
  5. You want to report numerical data or statistics (preferred in APA papers)

What are the rules for paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing tips

  1. Start your first sentence at a different point from that of the original source.
  2. Use synonyms (words that mean the same thing)
  3. Change the sentence structure (e.g. from active to passive voice)
  4. Break the information into separate sentences.
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How do you paraphrase in an essay?

Tips on how to paraphrase. Paraphrasing should be restricted to the parts of the text relevant to the purpose of the essay. Paraphrasing all the texts is insensible. The writer should express the source’s ideas and concepts into her or his own words and styles. Refrain from word to word copying from the original text.

What are the rules for effective paraphrasing?

I can share you a tips not a rules for effective paraphrasing: The statement must be in your own words. If you use any phrases that are in the original quote, place them in quotation marks. Add a citation even if a paraphrase is in your own words, it is still someone else’s idea.

Why is it important to quote and paraphrase in a research paper?

It is important to quote, paraphrase, and summarize for the following reasons: 1 It adds credibility to your writing 2 It helps in tracking the original source of your research 3 Delivers several perspectives on your research subject

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What is the difference between PRECIS and paraphrasing?

Precis is a brief summary of the main points and ideas of a text, about one-third length of the original. Just the main points, no details. Paraphrasing means to write the same points ideas of a text on your own words, to clarify and simplify them, It could be longer than the original text.. Both cases you have to attach the reference.