
Is North-East entrance good for house?

Is North-East entrance good for house?

North-east: It is known as the most auspicious direction in a home. This corner is the most energetic due to its exposure to the morning sun. North: Your second best option is to opt for a north entrance. While energy levels are high, this direction also brings in large amounts of fortune to the residents of the home.

Is Southwest a good direction for house?

The direction of your home or office’s main entrance is crucial, according to vastu. It is a place from where you welcome in wealth and well-being. There are many vastu specialists who recommend that the south to south-west directions are a complete no-no and one needs to steer clear from them.

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Which direction is best for home entrance?

According to Vastu Shastra, the main entrance to a home is not only the entry point for the family, but also for energy. Considered as the “archway to victory and progress in life”, the main door should face north, east or in the north-east direction.

What to do if house is south west-facing?

As per south west entrance Vastu, you should create open spaces in the northeast area of your home. Doing this creates a free flow of positive energy which can be quite beneficial for homes with an entrance in the south.

Which is the best entrance direction for house?

Which direction is the best for a house entrance?

Which direction is good for house entrance? The main door/entrance should always be in the north, north-east, east, or west, as these directions are considered auspicious. Avoid having the main door in the south, south-west, north-west (north side), or south-east (east side) directions.

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What is the most auspicious direction for the main entrance?

A wooden door is considered most auspicious for the main entrance. South direction: the door should have a combination of wood and metal. West: should have metal work. Northern door: should have more of silver colour. East: should be made of wood and adorned with limited metal accessories.

How do I know if my house is north or south facing?

Hence, if while coming out of your home, you face North – then you have a North facing house; similarly if you face South while coming out of your home, then you have a South facing house.

How to choose the right door for the main entrance?

The main door should be bigger than any other door in the house and should open in a clockwise manner. Avoid having three doors in a line, parallel to the main door, as this is considered as a serious Vastu defect and can affect the happiness in the home. A wooden door is considered most auspicious for the main entrance.