Tips and tricks

Is Ncert fingertips chemistry enough for Bitsat?

Is Ncert fingertips chemistry enough for Bitsat?

For both organic and inorganic, practice all reactions thoroughly. You would be directly tested on them. For physical chemistry, NCERT may not be enough. But if you’re already preparing for JEE, you need not worry about this one!

What is the best way to prepare for Bitsat?

Can you prepare for BITSAT 2021 in one month?

  1. In one month, give each day to BITSAT (around 10 hours a day) preparation. If you are clear with your concepts, one month can be enough.
  2. Take mock tests back to back.
  3. Solve previous years’ question papers.
  4. Focus on English if you are not confident in grammar or vocabulary.

Is P block important for BITSAT?

Basic Concepts of Chemistry and p Block components hold the greatest weightage in BITSAT Chemistry Syllabus. Subjects from Physical Chemistry, for example, Solid State, States of Matter, and Solutions hold less weightage in BITSAT.

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How to prepare for BITSAT 2021?

Candidates appearing for BITSAT 2021 can prepare for answering the conceptual and predictable questions as a quick reflex. Prepare the scoring sections beforehand and solve the questions that you are completely confident about and which requires the least time to solve. 3. Prepare According to the BITSAT 2021 Marking Scheme

What is the range of questions in BITSAT?

Questions in BITSAT range from throughout the syllabus, and the syllabus is really larger than that of JEE Advanced. The chemistry part is sort of trivial, because there will be some questions that will be based on the syllabus you would have not gone through.

What is the BITSAT syllabus?

BITSAT is an online exam that includes questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology based on NCERT syllabus of class 11 and 12. The accurate knowledge of the exam pattern and syllabus is very important before starting the preparations. Check BITSAT Syllabus

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Which chapters in chemistry are the most important for BITSAT?

So, following are the chapters in Chemistry which are most important for BITSAT – 4-Named reactions in Amines and Alcohols. 5-Biomolecules, Polymers and Environmental chemistry. Since you have a hand in Mathematics and Physics, it would be advisable to score atleast 65/120 in Chemistry (assuming 40 ×3 (maths) + 36×3 (physics) +22×3 (Eng/LR)).