
Is maths of commerce and science same?

Is maths of commerce and science same?

Yes, syllabus for both science student and commerce students is same. No difference in math syllabus also.

Is maths difficult in commerce or science?

Science vs Commerce

Criteria Science
Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics
Best for Engineering, Technology or Medicine-related careers
Difficulty Level Rigorous than commerce
Main focus Scientific formulas, equations, math-oriented, experiments

Is maths syllabus same for science and commerce?

Yes, the syllabus of Mathematics for all the 3 streams – Science, Commerce and Humanities of CBSE Class 12th students is the same.

Is commerce and science same?

While the dictionary defines science as the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, commerce is a study of trade and business activities such as the exchange of goods and services from …

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Is commerce math and PCM math same?

ANSWER (1) Absolutely Yes. 11 standard maths for commerce is same as the PCM in CBSE. 11 standard maths for commerce is same as the PCM in CBSE.

Which science subject is hard?

Hard science subjects include the natural sciences, which are about the natural world. These include physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, and botany. Soft science is any of the social sciences, including history, sociology, and political science.

What is the difference between science and commerce math requirements?

In general (statistically speaking), math requirements for science is much higher than math requirements for commerce/business. There are exceptions like specific areas in finances, e.g., area in quantitative finance dealing with application of stochastic calculus to financial applications.

Which stream is better science or commerce?

Science is often considered a tougher and rigorous stream than Commerce because the latter has more scoring subjects which are theoretical while Science has technical and math-oriented subjects which can be harder to master! Science vs Commerce Salary Both Science and Commerce have an array of high-salary jobs to offer.

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What is the relationship between mathematics and science?

Mathematics and science1 have a long and close relationship that is of crucial and growing importance for both. Mathematics is an intrinsic component of science, part of its fabric, its universal language and indispensable source of intellectual tools. Reciprocally, science inspires and stimulates mathematics, posing new questions,

Is commercial mathematics the same in CBSE as in commerce?

Gain a global economic perspective to help you make informed business decisions. In CBSE, its same for all the streams. Question paper is also same. Yes, earlier it used to be different as commerce students had ‘commercial mathematics’ but now its same for both in CBSE. , From commerce stream. currently doing eng hons.