
Is Luffy is Joyboy?

Is Luffy is Joyboy?

Due to Kozuki Oden expecting Joy Boy’s to reappear 900 years after his last known appearance and Kaidou deciding that Monkey D. Luffy couldn’t “be Joy Boy either”, it is unknown if “Joy Boy” is the name of a single person or if it’s a title that can be inherited by others.

How did Kaido know about Joy Boy?

Kaido could have learned of Joy Boy through Rocks. We know that during the God Valley incident, Garp and Roger were trying to protect the Celestial Dragons and their slaves.

What is the secret of void century in One Piece?

The Void Century is a century-long gap in recorded and archaeological history, the study of which is forbidden by the World Government. The events of this period are so important and relevant that by learning them, one is said to become aware of the “true history” of the world.

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Does Shanks know about the void century?

Since his Captain, Roger, uncovered all the secrets, it is likely that Shanks knows about them as well. Interestingly, Shanks has never been mentioned to be on the hunt for the One Piece. Like Whitebeard, he seems to have chosen the path of a pirate for some other reasons entirely.

Who exactly is joy boy?

Joy Boy was an explorer that lived during the era of the 100 Year Void. It isn’t verified if he was the first pirate or the ruler of the Great Kingdom, but he is mentioned at various points in the manga.

How did Shanks know it was the Gum Gum fruit?

Shanks was aware of the name of the devil fruit immediately after Luffy ate it. It is possible he could guess the name of the fruit from it’s appearance, from a brief display of Luffy stretching (various ways based on source material), or from some exotic method of obtaining the fruit (aka Vegapunk).

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Does Rayleigh have a son?

I don’t think we know the parents to >95\% of all One Piece Characters…. I think the manga has given us enough clues that Mihawk is Shakky and Rayleigh’s son, including the fact that she retired “40 years ago”. And all of the women of Amazon Lily have flower names.

Is Joyboy Pirate King?

Joy Boy was, in the words of the Pirate King, a great man who had loads of treasure in his belonging. Although what this treasure is exactly isn’t known, Roger calls it a ‘massive’ treasure that he doesn’t know what to do with.

Who is Joy Boy in the void?

Joy Boy is one of the few figures known to have lived — and fought against the Ancient Alliance — during the Void Century and managed to leave a lasting mark on the world. It was Joy Boy who made a promise with the inhabitants of Fish-Man Island regarding Noah, and he was the original person to leave a treasure at Laugh Tale.

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What is known about the void century?

Let’s run through what is — and isn’t — known about it. The Void Century is a 100-year period 900 to 800 years before the events of One Piece, and is “void” in that there’s no information about it.

What is Joy Boy’s connection to Fishman Island?

Joy Boy is known to have had some connections to Fishman Island back during the times of the Void Century, which was 800 years ago in the One Piece world. According to what the story tells us, Joy Boy wanted the Fishmen to live with the humans on the surface, but because of some reason, he failed in keeping his promise.

Who is joyjoy boy?

Joy Boy was an extremely relevant figure of the Void Century who played an important role in the history of Fish-Man Island and left behind a certain item of unimaginable value on the last island of the Grand Line. He was first mentioned on the Ryugu Poneglyph read by Nico Robin while at the Sea Forest.