Is it weird to breastfeed from your wife?

Is it weird to breastfeed from your wife?

Generally speaking, breastfeeding your husband or partner is OK. It’s not perverted or wrong if you want the person you are intimate with to breastfeed, or if they ask to try breastfeeding or taste your breast milk.

Is it OK to breastfeed in front of people?

During your baby’s first few days, you may prefer to breastfeed only where you feel most comfortable. But, as you get more used to doing it, you’re likely to feel more confident about breastfeeding in front of other people when you’re out and about. Most people support women breastfeeding in public.

How can I feel comfortable to breastfeed in public?

Many mothers are already perfectly comfortable breastfeeding in public….These tips may help:

  1. Know your rights. Breastfeeding in public is legal and a very good thing.
  2. Choose clothes you’ll feel comfortable in.
  3. Use a sling or wrap.
  4. Choose an easy-access bra.
  5. Pick your spot.
  6. Turn away to latch.
  7. Consider a cover-up.
  8. Smile!
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Why is breastfeeding inappropriate?

And breastfeeding stimulates the uterus to contract after the baby is born. There are thus connections between women’s breasts and uterus, and they may be regarded as parts of the same anatomical system – the genital organs.”

What does it feel like to breastfeed your baby?

You feel like you want to crawl out of your own skin. But, for all breastfeeding’s faults, it is immensely satisfying to watch your baby grow, and know that is directly because of you. Lauren: Breastfeeding is kind of like peeing: It feels good, and it’s a relief.

Is it okay to breastfeed someone other than your baby?

I have no idea what you ended up doing, but here’s my two cents. DON’T for a second think that breastfeeding someone other than your baby is NOT sexual. Between man and wife seems okay. But with his friend or anyone ELSE, that’s stepping outside of the borders of what is considered widely socially acceptable.

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How do you describe breastfeeding in words?

Curious how others might put breastfeeding into words, I asked a bunch of women — some who breastfed decades ago, some currently nursing tiny babies — for their impressions. Their responses are generous, vivid, and varied; they mention pain and serenity, being bitten, liken the sensation to peeing, describe a sexual side effect, and more.

What does it feel like to go without breastfeeding for weeks?

Gabrielle: The first few days and weeks it feels like you really have to pee and can finally let it out — and literally have to hold something under the non-baby breast to catch a good-size stream. Later it evens out, but if I go too long without nursing or pumping my breast starts to cramp and throb like a deep bruise.