Tips and tricks

Is it possible to marry again?

Is it possible to marry again?

Is Second Marriage without divorce legal? No, it is illegal. Under Section 494 of the Indian Penal Code, if a person marries a second time, without a divorce, while their spouse is alive, the marriage is considered bigamy, which is a punishable offense.

How long should you wait to get married again?

Specifically, waiting three years or more decreases the likelihood of divorce by 50\%. But there’s no one-size-fits-all amount of time — couples who waited until they knew each other “very well” had the same outcome as those who waited at least three years.

What it’s like being the second wife?

Being someone’s second wife may force you to look at your relationship in a more mature and respectful way. It can make you learn to communicate about the present and the future – because more often than not, your partner isn’t looking to make the same mistakes again.

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Is marriage the only option?

We’re instilled with the fear of being alone and dying alone, but marriage is certainly not a guarantee against this. For those of us who are fiercely independent and have our own established lives, there’s no reason that marriage should be considered the only or best choice.

Does marriage make your relationship harder or easier?

“Marriage doesn’t change anything. The first guy I married wasn’t a good match for me, and I knew that before I walked down the aisle. If anything, marriage just makes your relationship harder and more expensive to leave. I don’t see any benefits of getting married ever again.” —Hilary T., 29 9. I’m Not Officially Divorced

Does marriage guarantee you will die alone?

Social narratives tell us that marriage is just the thing you do when you become responsible and want to “settle down.” We’re instilled with the fear of being alone and dying alone, but marriage is certainly not a guarantee against this.

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Is marriage the best choice for You?

For those of us who are fiercely independent and have our own established lives, there’s no reason that marriage should be considered the only or best choice. For some people it may be, but for the rest of us, we’ll take our alone time and live happily ever after.