
Is it possible to have the same voice as someone?

Is it possible to have the same voice as someone?

Although some people might sound quite a bit alike, no two voices are ever exactly alike. We each have a unique voice because so many factors work together to produce that voice. The pitch of your voice is largely determined by the length and tension of your vocal cords.

Are male and female vocal cords different?

Men and women have different vocal fold sizes. Adult male voices are usually deeper: males have thicker cord. The male vocal folds are between 17 mm and 25 mm in length. The female vocal folds are between 12.5 mm and 17.5 mm long.

Is it possible for a male to have a female voice?

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It does sound weird, but it’s not impossible. It can happen when a full grown men who had undergone physical changes during puberty, but their high pitch voice remains unchanged. For those affected, they actually have a voice problem known as puberphonia.

Can a male sing soprano?

The official name for a male who can sing in the soprano range is the countertenor. These guys typically sing music that was originally written for men who were, uh… rendered sterile as boys. The name for these men, and how they came to be able to sing so high, says it all: castrati.

What is the difference between male and female vocal cords?

Difference between male and female vocal cords 1 Females have shorter vocal cords – typically between 12.5mm and 17.5mm long. 2 Women have a larger gap at the back of their vocal cords, giving them a breathier voice 3 Females have small vocal tracts and longer and thinner vocal cords. This gives their voices a naturally higher frequency. More

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Why do men have a deeper voice than women?

Vocal Cord size – Males have larger vocal folds that stretch across their larynx. These folds vibrate, and the size of them affects the frequency of a male’s voice. Evolution – studies suggest that over time, men evolved to have deeper voices for survival purposes.

What determines a singer’s voice type?

Now, there are many factors that determine a singer’s voice type. Including: Vocal Weight – the heaviness or lightness of your specific voice. Tessitura – the range of your voice where you sing most comfortably. Bridge Location– the place where your voice transitions between vocal registers. Range – the lowest note and highest notes you can sing

What is the 2nd highest male voice type?

Tenor: 2nd highest male voice type with a vocal range of C3-C5 Countertenor: highest male voice type with a vocal range of E3-E5 Contralto: lowest female voice type with a vocal range of E3-E5 Alto: 2nd lowest female voice type with a vocal range of F3-F5