Is it possible to communicate with your deceased loved ones?

Is it possible to communicate with your deceased loved ones?

It is an idea that’s as old as mankind, and the stories of those who have contacted, and have been contacted by, the dead are many—far too many to dismiss as fraud or delusion. Taking the time to communicate with your departed loved ones can help you to resolve your grief and confusion, and instill in you a sense of the meaning behind death.

How do you talk to someone who has passed away?

Speak Aloud. One of the simplest ways to get your deceased loved one to communicate with you is to just talk. That’s right—just start speaking. But don’t just speak to the air. Hold an image of the person you’re trying to communicate with in your mind and direct your communication at him or her.

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Can you tell a medium from a deceased loved one?

Don’t let your desperation to hear from your deceased loved force you to make bad decisions. You can tell a bad medium by the fact that they will almost always try to lead you on with questions, subtly finding out what you want to hear, and then giving it to you.

How do you communicate with your spiritual loved one?

Begin with very basic, yes-or-no questions, and request that your spiritual loved one answer in a specific way, such as knocking on a wall. As much as possible, try to release feelings of embarrassment or strangeness. You’re speaking to your loved one just as if they were in the room.

What is spirit visitation after-death communication (ADC)?

Spirit Visitation After-Death Communication (ADC) is, as the name implies, a communication between the living and the deceased. Also, as indicated in the name, it implies that the deceased are not really dead, as we know it, but living somewhere in another realm without their physical body.

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Can a psychic medium help my loved one?

You certainly can go to a psychic medium to reconnect and speak directly to the Spirits you have on The Other Side, or to get clarification or extra detail on your messages. You can also reconnect and re-learn how to communicate with your Loved One without any third party sources.