Tips and tricks

Is it okay to text your ex Happy Thanksgiving?

Is it okay to text your ex Happy Thanksgiving?

Aside from all of the indisputably lit things about the holiday season, you may find yourself in a confusing predicament — to text or not to text your ex. “Texting an ex at the holidays is OK if you’re both in a good place after the breakup,” Winter tells Elite Daily.

Should I respond when my ex reaches out?

Don’t immediately reply and take some time to think it over to figure out what you ultimately want out of this interaction. Make sure you remain honest if you decide to speak. Don’t get comfortable and slide back into old habits. Take your time when it comes to responding.

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Should you text someone Happy Thanksgiving?

You have no obligation to wish them a happy holiday, so don’t let anyone pressure you into sending that text. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Don’t give them a chance to disturb your holiday.

How do you respond to Thanksgiving texts?

Send this note of thanks for the wishes you Thank. you so much Hope, and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!

What does it mean when someone says Happy Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving Day, annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Americans generally believe that their Thanksgiving is modeled on a 1621 harvest feast shared by the English colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people.

Should I text Ex Merry Christmas?

But if you’re going to reach out to an ex, at least do it the right way, which means no more casual “Happy holidays,” “Merry Christmas,” or “Happy New Year” texts. Sure, sending a two-word text that you could send to anyone seems innocuous.

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What to say when your ex sends you an unopened gift?

A day or two later, you receive a curt, joyless text from your ex: “Thanks for the gift.” Or maybe a week later, you get your own package in the mail. It’s your gift, unopened, with a small note: “Thanks, but I can’t accept.”

What do you say to your ex when you celebrate Christmas?

Your ex calls you back and says, “Merry Christmas! That was so thoughtful! I really miss you.” The reality: Your ex opens the gift on Christmas morning and it goes in the pile with his or her dozen other presents. A day or two later, you receive a curt, joyless text from your ex: “Thanks for the gift.”

Should you celebrate the holidays with your ex during no contact?

Stay in no contact and enjoy the holidays with those who truly care about you and who are loyal to you. Your ex believed that he or she was better off without you. Do not reward your ex’s thinking—and especially, do not reward your ex’s actions. I know you may be fantasizing about how your ex would perceive a holiday greeting from you.

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What happens when your ex calls you merry Christmas?

Your ex calls you back and says, “Merry Christmas! That was so thoughtful! I really miss you.” The reality: Your ex opens the gift on Christmas morning and it goes in the pile with his or her dozen other presents.