Tips and tricks

Is it okay for my husband to flirting with another woman?

Is it okay for my husband to flirting with another woman?

Some therapists say that flirting can be good for your marriage…but only if you’re flirting with your spouse. Flirting is fun! It can keep your marriage interesting and lively. But when a married man flirts with other women either in front of his wife or behind her back, that usually does not make the marriage better.

Why does my husband keep flirting?

Men flirt when they are not well connected to their wives on the highest level of love. So they either see no problem with it, or want to rub their marital dissatisfaction in their wife’s nose. A happily married man would NEVER humiliate his wife.

How can I Stop my Husband from flirting with other men?

Reflect upon your own behavior. If you were ignoring your husband or flirting with other men, it’s possible his behavior was a response to yours. Perhaps his flirting fills a need your husband has to be reassured he’s still attractive. Keep the romance alive in your marriage by finding ways to flirt with him yourself.

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Should a wife ask her husband to stop flirting with coworkers?

When he flirts, it hurts. As his wife, you may feel it’s within your rights to ask him to stop Facebooking a coworker or working out with her at the gym. Plenty of people would tell you that it’s your prerogative to draw the line.

What happens when your husband flirt with an attractive woman?

You’re at a fun party enjoying yourself with many good friends when you suddenly notice your husband flirting with an attractive woman. If his behavior devastates you and you allow your emotions to control you, the rest of your evening will be ruined. Furthermore, your interactions with your husband are bound to be unpleasant.

How can I keep the romance alive in my marriage?

Keep the romance alive in your marriage by finding ways to flirt with him yourself. Try to assess your husband’s role in the incident objectively. Determine whether he was flirting or if the woman was controlling the situation and doing the flirting, while he sat and smiled. Analyze the seriousness of the flirting.