
Is it my fault that I hit my own dad?

Is it my fault that I hit my own dad?

Yes, it was my fault that I hit my own dad- the man who gave me life- but I am just human. I made huge mistakes and I swore I will not do that again. That’s the first time I fought with my father like that- hurting physically by hitting or slapping his face.

How can I soften the influence of a bad father?

You can soften the influence your terrible father has on you by seeking out positive relationships with male role models. Form relationships with male leaders in your school, work, or community. These influences may counter some of the negative effects of having a bad father. Participate in mentoring programs like Boys Club or Girls, Inc.

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What do you do when your father is a bad father?

Build a positive support group. You can further absorb the negative effects of a terrible father by surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family. While relationships with others can’t necessarily replace your father, they can offer protection against stress. Lean on good friends and family members for social support.

Why does my dad always try to ruin my life?

His behavior may be the result of how he was raised, his own trauma, a mental illness, or other factors. Avoid picking up his bad habits. Living in the household with a dad who has negative habits may make you worry about picking them up.

Do parents have the right to discipline their children?

Parents have a fundamental constitutional right to care, custody, and control of their children, including the right to discipline them.

How do I get my child to stop yelling at me?

Make sure your child understands your physical and emotional boundaries. You may need to clearly state: “It’s not okay to yell or push or hit me.” If you’ve said this to your child in the past, but allowed her to cross those boundaries in the past without consequence, she’s gotten mixed messages.

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Is your child defying the rules of your home?

Yes, kids can be defiant, even your typical child. But when it reaches a point that your child has no respect for your authority as a parent, outright defying the rules of your home with no fear or concern of consequences, it’s a potential sign of escalation.