Tips and tricks

Is it mandatory to swear on Gita in court?

Is it mandatory to swear on Gita in court?

In India, courts have done away with the practice of having witnesses take oath by the Gita or any other sacred text before giving evidence, contrary to what is depicted in movies. “That’s all Bollywood,” says lawyer Santosh Paul who began his practice in Bombay High Court before shifting to Delhi High Court.

Why is Bhagavad Gita used in court?

It is a widespread misconception that the Bhagavad Gita is used for swearing oaths in Indian courts till today. The reason might be that many of the old Bollywood films depicted swearing on Bhagavad Gita. The Hindus had to swear by the holy water of Ganges or the Bhagavad Gita, and Muslims by the Quran.

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Is Geeta still used in court?

The only possible remnant of the Gita now in Indian courts is a Sanskrit inscription atop the Supreme Court building inaugurated in 1952. It says “Yato Dharmahstato Jayah”, which loosely translated means victory lies with those on the side of dharma, the lines attributed to Gandhari in the Mahabharata.

Which book is used for Promise in court?

The Gita can be used by a Hindu for oath in court.

Why do we take oath in court?

People are bound to state truth after taking oath under the Oath Act. If they did not do so, they will be liable under Section 191 of the Indian Penal Code, 1872 for removing and fabricating evidence before the court of law.

What is the promise in court?

a firm agreement to perform an act, refrain from acting or make a payment or delivery. In contract law, if the parties exchange promises, each promise is “consideration” (a valuable item) for the other promise.

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What happens if you say no to the oath in court?

If you refuse to testify under oath and/or under affirmation, then that can constitute both civil contempt of court and criminal contempt of court. This means you may: not be permitted to testify.

What do they say in court?

You· and each of you, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will well and truly try this case before you, and a true verdict render, according to the evidence and the law so help you God? (Oath to jurors on trial) You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be held against you in a court of law.

What is the history of swearing in Indian courts?

It is a misconception that swearing in Indian courts is done only on Bhagvat Geeta. The practice of swearing on religious books was prevelant during the era of Mughals and other rulers, but it was abolished and a uniform practise was brought in by the British.

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What are the oaths under the Indian Oaths Act?

Oaths Act-1969, a person can either swear in the name of God or solemnly affirm to state the truth while either deposing in a court or filing an affidavit or any other application before a court. [source] As per Law commission of India’s “Indian Oaths act”, Report 28, there was a proposal to make the oaths uniform. “Why?”

Do non-Hindus swear in court in India?

But High Courts like Bombay carried out Holy Book oaths for non-Hindus and non-Muslims till 1957 (That might be the reason why many old hindi films depicted swearing on Bhagvat Geeta, leading to a widespread mis It is a misconception that swearing in Indian courts is done only on Bhagvat Geeta.