
Is it hard to live in France if you dont speak French?

Is it hard to live in France if you dont speak French?

Many people who move to France do so without being able to speak any French. Although it might be acceptable for certain professions, most expats will find that their having more fun as they pick up the language. Generally, people develop their language skills out of necessity.

Can I live in France only speaking English?

It’s a myth the French won’t speak English In Paris you may speak your native tongue at home, at work and with your friends, but if you don’t speak French, you definitely need to speak English. However most will be able to muddle through the transaction with you in at least basic, and sometimes very good, English.

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Should you speak French in France?

The most obvious answer is yes, it is a good idea to speak the official language of the country you are in, which in France is French.

How can I be polite in France?

How to be polite in France — what to do:

  1. ALWAYS start any interaction off with a greeting: bonjour during the day and bonsoir at night. Bonjour madame (or monsieur for a man) is appreciated as well.
  2. Be polite back and just go with whatever the person says to you first. A simple thanks and bye is fine.

Can I live in Paris if I dont speak French?

In Paris you may speak your native tongue at home, at work and with your friends, but if you don’t speak French, you definitely need to speak English. So when Germans, Swedes, Ukrainians, and other foreign nationals visit France, they generally speak English with the locals as well.

Is it possible to live in France without speaking French?

Like in many other countries, in France also live many people who do not speak the local language and rely on English as the primary means of communication in their everyday lives. Even if it is possible to live there without speaking French, yet it all depends on what exactly are your expectations from the life in France.

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Where can I learn to speak English in France?

Here is relatively easy to deal with everyday life in English, but if you speak a little French you will notice a big difference. Among the places where English is widely spoken are Nice, Marseilles, Menton, St. Tropez and and others. The island of Corsica is one of the places in France, where English can be very useful.

Is it better to speak French or speak perfect English?

Most people will even try to help you in your attempts to speak French. Even if your French is not very good, you will have much more opportunities than if you speak perfect English. There is no need to search for perfection but just to make minimal efforts.

How to make friends in France as a foreigner?

Establishing contact with the Mairie staff will be useful when you need advice, and making friends with your neighbours will enhance your French life. You can even join the Comité des Fêtes: if you take part in community events, you’ll meet the locals and become accepted.