Is it expensive to maintain a BMW 3 Series?

Is it expensive to maintain a BMW 3 Series?

Yes, it’s expensive to maintain a 3-Series BMW once it’s outside of the factory or CPO warranty. It’s not uncommon to pay $1,000 to $1,700 per year for maintenance and repairs on a used BMW 3-Series.

Does it cost a lot to maintain a BMW?

BMWs cost a lot to maintain According to Your Mechanic, BMWs are easily the most expensive car brand to maintain. This is mostly because these luxury cars use expensive, high-end parts. When those parts break or need repairs, naturally, they’ll cost a lot of money to repair.

What is the cheapest BMW to maintain?

3 Series
The 3 Series is generally the cheapest BMW to maintain in the manufacturer’s current lineup, and drivers pay about $748 per year to do so. Some vintage models are also cheap to maintain, like the BMW E28.

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Why is BMW resale value so low?

Originally Answered: Why do BMW’s lose value so quickly? All cars lose value quickly. The higher the car cost, the more value it loses, until that reverses itself with collectibles. BMWs for the first 4–6 years hold their value pretty well because of warranties.

How much is an oil change for a BMW?

How Much is an Oil Change for a BMW? BMW oil change costs generally come in between $135 and $175, with about $90 to $110 of that total dedicated to parts and fluids, and the rest to labor!

Is Lexus cheaper to maintain than BMW?

Lexus models were estimated to have $7,000 of total maintenance over 10 years, compared to BMW at $17,800 total maintenance over 10 years.

Are 3 Series BMW reliable?

The BMW 3 Series can last between 200,000 – 250,000 miles when properly maintained and driven conservatively. If you drive 15,000 miles per year it will last approximately 13 – 17 years before requiring expensive and uneconomical repairs. There are instances of 3 Series reaching up to 300,000 miles.

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Does BMW 3 Series lose value?

A BMW 3 Series will depreciate 55\% after 5 years and have a 5 year resale value of $19,324. Once driven off the new car lot, the BMW 3-Series loses value quickly, as do most BMWs. For new purchases, after three years, your 3-Series will be worth about 60\% of its original sticker price.

Do BMW have a lot of problems?

There are certainly BMW’s that have been plagued with frequent, costly issues. It is not hard to find horror stories and complaints about reliability. However, on the opposite end, there are also plenty of BMW’s that surpass 100,000 miles with no issues, or few minor issues.

Do BMWs need special oil?

With motor oil being the most important fluid next to gasoline in your BMW vehicle, it’s important that you don’t scrimp on the quality or type of motor oil you put in your BMW. That’s why BMW recommends the exclusive use of synthetic motor oils inside all BMW engines.