
Is it easier to learn Korean If you know Mandarin?

Is it easier to learn Korean If you know Mandarin?

Relatively, Korean would be an easier language to learn. Thanks to its phonetic alphabet and more simplistic grammar rules, Korean is not the most challenging Asian language to learn. Chinese on the other hand is much more widely spoken. This means that finding study materials and practice partners would be easier.

Can a Mandarin speaker understand Korean?

No, they can’t. Korean and Chinese can’t understand each other. They have a distinctive language family, Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan (also known as Trans-Himalayan family) while Korean is a Koreanic language (consisting of the modern Korean language collectively with extinct primeval relatives).

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Can I learn Korean if I know Chinese?

Knowing Chinese will help you learn Korean in a few different ways, giving you maybe a 25\% advantage over other Korean learners: A lot of words in Korean will sound familiar (as they come from Chinese)

How close is Chinese to Korean?

The Korean language is much more related to Chinese than one might think. Korean is also very closely related to Japanese, probably even more than Chinese, but Chinese words actually make up about 60\% of the Korean vocabulary, though in actual speech (especially informally) native Korean words are more common.

How long does it take to master Korean?

It takes about three months or 90 days to learn enough Korean to have at least 3-minute conversations in Korean if you study for 7 to 10 hours per week. Moreover, after one year of looking at this pace, you will become fluent and comfortable with Korean conversation.

Is Korean difficult for Chinese speakers?

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Even though the grammar of Korean is quite different from Chinese and English, it is not the main obstacle for Chinese people to learn Korean. As a early learner, I feel the pronunciation very difficult. Since Korean has special phonetics which only exist in some southen part of China.

What languages are easy to learn for Korean speakers?

Indonesian, Malaysian and Swahili. They are not related at all to English or Korean, but easy to learn due to easy pronunciation and grammar. Also the rest of the Altaic Language family, Mongolian and Turkish. Maybe Vietnamese and Mandarin should be here, due to shared vocabulary from Old Chinese.

Should you learn Chinese characters when learning Japanese or Korean?

You can opt not to learn Chinese characters, or even delay doing so, while learning Japanese, Korean, or even Chinese (yes, you can learn conversational Chinese by using Pinyin/Zhuyin), but if you want to be a truly fluent speaker of these three languages, Chinese characters are the key.

How long does it take to learn Mandarin Chinese?

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Chris Lee worked as Mandarin Chinese language specialist at Eggbun Education (Chat to Learn Chinese App). She has been teaching Mandarin Chinese for 11 great years. If you learn Mandarin Chinese with her, you can speak fluent Mandarin in less than 6 months too, just like her other students.

How easy is it to learn the Korean alphabet?

While there are ways of learning Chinese and Japanese characters quickly, the Korean alphabet is nothing like Chinese characters. It is far easier to learn than even the Japanese ‘script’ alphabets of Katakana or Hiragana, and maybe even Cyrillic. The reason for this goes back centuries and lies in its origin.

What is the best way to learn Japanese and Korean together?

So, in summary, learning Chinese is the key to a better and quicker understanding of Japanese and Korean, as the two other languages can trace their origins to here. If you plan to learn all three, starting with Chinese is a good plan.