Is it dumb to turn down a job offer?

Is it dumb to turn down a job offer?

Absolutely. But only if you’ve thought it through completely and you’re doing so for the right reasons.

Should a job offer be accepted or rejected?

It’s better to decline the offer than to quit shortly after taking the job. It’s more expensive for the company to onboard you, then start over with a new candidate search. You also may have to explain why you quit a job you just started during subsequent interviews.

How to renege an investment banking offer?

Do not tell them where you’ve accepted the other offer – if they ask, just say the industry it’s in (“finance”) and maybe the location. If you’re really accepting an offer elsewhere, don’t lie and say you’re reneging for “personal reasons” – that will come back and make you look even worse.

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Is reneging really that bad?

To renege on your acceptance of a job is a crappy thing to do and it may have adverse consequences. But it is your choice to accept those consequences if you think another offer is compelling. The thing is to make informed judgments and choices.

What are exploding job offers?

‘Exploding’ job offers (i.e., those that expire in a set amount of time) are popular in tech. A recruiter or hiring manager sends you a job offer and tells you there’s a deadline to accept (typically 24 hours).

Can you negotiate a job offer from Google?

The bottom line is that if you have a job offer from Google in a technical role, you likely have room to negotiate, and may have substantial negotiation leverage depending on your specialty. Once you actually get through the Google interview gauntlet, you may receive a job offer.

How do you politely decline a job offer over the phone?

Summary: How to decline a job offer: 1 Turn down a job offer by phone if you can. It’s more professional. 2 Don’t worry about burning bridges. The hiring team will understand. 3 Thank them and be polite. 4 Give a professionally worded reason, but don’t go into detail. 5 Ask to stay in touch.

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What should you expect from a Google offer letter?

Let’s look at an example to see what you can expect. Google’s offers are pretty standard: They may also include other components like a Target Bonus, and they may even share an estimated value of other perks that Google employees get.

How much equity is in a Google job offer?

The equity component of a Google job offer can range from “not very much” (as with the example above) to “wowzers, that’s a lot of equity!” depending on the role.