Tips and tricks

Is it cruel to split cats up?

Is it cruel to split cats up?

If you and your husband are away from home most of the day, keeping the two cats together would be best, even if they’re not totally dependent on each other. As for the cats biting electrical cords, you’re lucky to have escaped a disaster so far!

What happens if you separate bonded kittens?

If two bonded cats were to be separated from each other, they would likely end up suffering from depression, leading to other behavior issues. A study has shown that cats who are bonded together are more socially adjusted and live longer, happier lives.

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Is it OK to separate kittens from each other?

It is a common misconception that kittens are ready to be separated from their mom and littermates as soon as they are weaned and start eating on their own (between the 4th and 8th week of age). The truth is, however, that it is generally recommended to keep the kittens with their littermates for at least 12 weeks.

Why do mother cats hate their kittens?

Also, if her own health is poor, then she will reject her kittens. If you have a mother cat that is rejecting healthy dependent kittens, then you may want to have her health checked over by a vet, and try to identify external stressors. It’s very common in most mother cats.

Should I let my older cat have unsupervised access to Kitten?

Do not let your older cat have unsupervised access to the kitten. At night, when you are not home, and whenever you are unable to supervise the kitten and your older cat, keep the kitten in its designated room with the door closed.

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Is this the right thing to do for my kitten?

Yes you are doing the right thing, although just a bit early- 12 weeks is best, by then the momcats have had enough of the children and the kittens have litter pan manners as well. But if you put the family together right now, they could all vanish, so keep up with what you are doing.

How can you tell if a cat is a male or female?

Once the tail is up, you should have full view of the cat’s genitals and anus. A male will have a much greater distance between the genitals and anus than females — ½ inch apart on a male kitten or over 1 inch apart on a male adult cat. Conversely, if the two are almost adjacent on a kitten or less than 1/2 inch apart on an adult, it’s a female.

When should I spay the mother cat?

BTW, we plan on spaying both moms when they get over being so mad at us. Yes you are doing the right thing, although just a bit early- 12 weeks is best, by then the momcats have had enough of the children and the kittens have litter pan manners as well.