
Is it colder in Canada or Norway?

Is it colder in Canada or Norway?

Both of these countries are really cold but if you take the coldest places in Norway and coldest places of Canada, Canada wins hands down. Karasjok Norway is known as the coldest place in Norway and in the winter a average cold day will be around – 22 degrees C.

Is Europe colder than Canada?

Answer 2: It is because most of Europe has the advantage of the warm ocean current coming north from the tropics. There is then little interaction with colder air masses and colder ocean currents, so the overall weather in Europe is in general warmer that that seen in Alaska and Northern Canada.

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Is Norway weather similar to Canada?

It’s hard to make generalisations about the climate – because Norway is large and Canada is enormous – but as a rule, one can safely say that most large cities in Canada have harsher winters and hotter summers than most large cities in Norway.

Which countries are too cold?


1. Antarctica -89
2. Russia -45
3. Canada -43
4. Kazakhstan -41

Is it colder in Russia or Canada?

1. As far as countries go, Canada is pretty much the coolest — literally. It vies with Russia for first place as the coldest nation in the world, with an average daily annual temperature of —5.6ºC.

Is Denmark colder than Norway?

In Denmark, January temperatures average between −2 °C (28 °F) and 4 °C (39 °F). Denmark’s coldest month, however, is February, where the mean temperature is 0 °C (32 °F). In January, the average temperature in Norway is somewhere in between −6 °C (21 °F) and 3 °C (37 °F).

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How cold is it in Sweden compared to Canada?

The coldest recorded temperature in Sweden was done in Vuoggatjålme at -53C. The coldest average place in Canada is Kugaaruk which averages min -43C and its average real feel min is -58C. Coldest recorded temp in Canada was done in Snag Yukon and it was -63C. Sweden is definitely cold but not as cold as Canada.

What is the climate like in the southern half of Canada?

The southern 1/4 of Canada, on the other hand, has a climate more like the Steppes of the Ukraine, except that it’s even bigger, with a larger Arctic high pressure zone that permanently sits above the northern 3/4 all winter long.

What is the climate like in Sweden?

Sweden has the Gulf Stream and the Baltic Sea to keep it warmer. So climate there is more like in the US Midwest or New York, and temperate, subarctic even in arctic areas. In the cold inland North of Sweden no one lives except semi nomad Samis.

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Which countries are farther north than Canada?

Canada, absolutely. Sweden might be farther north than a lot of Canada, but it benefits from the Gulf Stream running smack into Norway on the other side of its mountain range.