
Is it bad to force a child to go to church?

Is it bad to force a child to go to church?

Faith is such a deep and important thing and if you force the child to do that they won’t associate it with good things, there will become a sense of resentment. It is nobody’s place to force anyone to go to church, you have to let them go on their own.

Should families go to church together?

Regular Church Attendance Fosters a Sense of Community The church offers a place to come together to encourage and support one another as well as to worship and grow in faith together. Through regular church attendance, children come into contact with and can develop relationships with others who share the same values.

Why don’t my kids want to go to church?

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There may be a very real reason why your children want to avoid your specific church. Maybe they don’t fit in with the other kids; maybe there is a disconnect between them and the pastor or youth leader; maybe there are too few other kids their age, and they feel isolated; the reasons are infinite.

What happens when you stop going to church?

Once they stop attending church, they start to drift away from God, and eventually, they may want nothing more to do with God. Nature abhors a vacuum, so whatever biblical knowledge is missing, will be filled up with the things of the world.

Why should Christians go to church?

The reasons Christians should go to church would be the topic for a whole book, but if I could point to a single reason, it would be that Jesus set the example for us. Luke 4:16 says (about Jesus), “…on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom ” (emphasis added).

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Do parents bring repentance to children?

God brings repentance; parents never do. Anything a parent can talk their child into, someone else can talk them out of; it must be the work of God (John 6:44). I remember writing about teaching children the gospel, and an older mentor of mine reminded me of being an example as a Sunday school teacher.