
Is it bad if my toenail is black?

Is it bad if my toenail is black?

When a body part is a different color than normal, it can be a clear indication that something is wrong. Such is the case with black toenails. In this condition, the soft tissue in your nailbed has either become bruised, started bleeding (subungual hematoma), or is possibly displaying a sign of cancer.

What does it mean when your nails start turning black?

It is common for a nail to turn black after an injury. The black or purple-black color is caused by blood under the nail and will go away as the injury heals. Black, brown, or purple discoloration under a nail that has not been injured may be caused by melanoma.

How do you get rid of black toenails home remedies?

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Vinegar is an antifungal ingredient that can be mixed with water to create a foot soak. It’s acetic acid component helps to whiten discolored toenails and stop the spread of the infection to other toes. Try two parts vinegar to one part warm water and soak feet for 20 minutes daily.

How long can a black toenail last?

Black Toenail: Common Causes The bruise usually starts out red, then becomes purple, dark brown, and finally black when blood beneath the nail pools and clots. Expect your black toenail to grow out in about 6 to 9 months or longer.

How do I get my toenails back to normal color?

The only way to get rid of nail polish-related discoloration is to take a break from painting your nails. Even a break of just two or three weeks can resolve the issue.

Will black toenail grow out?

Does black nail polish mean anything?

The color black represents authority and assertiveness, which means that your black nail polish will show everyone in your work or personal life that you mean business (via Reader’s Digest). Ironically, according to color psychology, favoring the color black can also show that you have a sensitive side.

Can toenail fungus look black?

Nail fungus can cause the nail to become thick or ragged and appear yellow, green, brown or black. An infected nail may separate from the nail bed. Nail fungus is a common condition that begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail.

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What do dark nail beds mean?

Dark spots or streaks rather than full discoloration of the nails may be caused by bruising, psoriasis, melanoma (a type of skin cancer), chronic infections, and medications such as from cancer chemotherapy. Treatment of the darkened nails will depend on what’s causing the discoloration in the first place.

Is a black toenail fungus?

Fungal infections are another common problem that can cause black toenails to form. Typically, a fungal infection causes a white or yellowish discoloration. However, debris can build up near the infection, causing the nail to appear black.

How do you treat black nails?

Treatment for a black fingernail

  1. Apply ice (wrapped in a cloth) or cold therapy for 10 minutes at a time, every hour to reduce bleeding and swelling.
  2. Your doctor may prescribe Anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen to ease pain and inflammation.

How do you treat a black toenail?

Over-the-counter ointments, creams, and polishes are usually effective. Severe cases may require a prescription antifungal treatment. If a black toenail is caused by an injury, the resulting spot from broken blood vessels will disappear once your nail grows out.

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How to clear up dark toenails?

Fill a basin with one part vinegar and two parts warm water. Soak the infected toe nails in the basin for 20-30 minutes, two to three times a week. According to the Mayo Clinic, this soak may help promote healthy toenails and prevent the growth of bacterias that may make the black toenails worse.

What happens when your toes turn black?

You are getting a black toenail due to bleeding under your nail, which is also known as a subungual hematoma. This can also happen if you drop something on your toe or smash your toe against an object. As you walk or run, your foot slides forward in your shoe, banging your toes against the top, front, and sides with each step.

What causes a dark toenail?

Dark toenails or black toenails are mainly caused by trauma and fungal or bacterial infection. While running or hitting a foot ball you may mistakenly hit the ground or any hard substance.