
Is it bad if I leave work on time?

Is it bad if I leave work on time?

It may not feel like it when 6pm, 7pm, or even 9pm rolls around and you’re still at the office, but over time those extra hours build up into increased risk of cardiovascular disease, generally poor health, and fatigue. And it’s not just inconvenient to work extra hours; it’s actually bad for your productivity.

Why staying late at work is bad?

2) Staying late is actually bad for your health A recent study has shown that those who work late in the office have an increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Working late can also make your feel resentful towards your work, which is not good for your mental health or your productivity.

Why you should always leave work on time?

Leaving on time forces you to be disciplined. No more popping out to run unnecessary errands. And far less procrastination. Not only will this discipline have a positive effect on your ability to get the most important work done, it will have spillover benefits throughout your job and life.

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Should you stay late at work?

More time spent at work = more productive. By abandoning any attempt at a life outside of work, you’d be the ideal employee. Staying late at work neither shows dedication nor increases productivity. In fact, all it does it perpetuate an unhealthy culture of overwork, not to mention make your colleagues resent you.

Can I be forced to stay late at work?

There is nothing illegal about an employer requiring you to stay past your scheduled shift. However, if you are a non-exempt employee (entitled to overtime), you must be paid for this extra time.

How do you say no to stay late at work?

Start with “I’d like to say ‘no,’” she suggests. “And then offer a solution that would make a ‘yes’ acceptable to you.” For example, if a colleague asks you to stay late on a day that you have dinner plans, you could say, “I’d like to say ‘no,’ but I know this project is important.

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Why you should not work at night?

Sleeping during the day and working at night increases your risk of obesity and diabetes. In the case of night-shift workers, these disorders are caused by an imbalance in hormone production. The real danger here is that even if you eat a healthy diet, the hormone imbalance can still lead to obesity and diabetes.

What happens when you start leaving work on time regularly?

When you start leaving work on time regularly, working late is no longer an accepted norm. You’ll notice that people aren’t turning to look at you in horror as you stand up from your deskchair, that no one treats you any differently the next day, and that your boss isn’t planning to fire you the next day.

Why do so many people work late at work?

One of the reasons many of us work late is because we struggle to fit our workload into an eight-hour workday. “Not working overtime means not completing your work and therefore, in not very long, it will mean not having a job at all,” says Joseph, who works in the finance sector.

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Is it weird to refuse to leave work on time?

Or refusing to leave on time because it ‘feels’ weird. You shouldn’t feel guilty for leaving work at the time when your contract says you can. Because, well, your contract says you can leave at that time. And you’re not doing anything wrong by following the rules laid out in your job’s agreement.

How do you know when it’s time to quit your job?

You feel like you’re ditching the office and leaving other people to do work that needs to be done. You worry that your coworkers and boss will think you’re lazy, uncommitted, and that you aren’t as good at your job as the people that are sticking around late. You tell yourself there’s still work to do.