
Is it appropriate for married people to have friends of opposite sex?

Is it appropriate for married people to have friends of opposite sex?

First, it’s important to note that simply having opposite-sex friends shouldn’t be threatening to your marriage. That is, unless your spouse is feeling deeply unnerved by it. If you can, involve your spouse in the friendships, or build them into couple friendships.

Is it OK to have a male friend when married?

Many married women enjoy male friendships, and there is nothing wrong with it per se, but a better question to ask yourself is whether hanging out with a male friend is the best decision for the health and longevity of your marriage.

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Can your partner have a best friend of the opposite gender?

Men and women can definitely build friendships with the opposite gender. When you are in a romantic relationship however, this fact can vary for different people, depending on your beliefs and the type of person you are dating.

Is it OK to have friends of the opposite gender when married?

Inappropriate Friendships When Married | Midlife Divorce Recovery Is it OK to have friends of the opposite gender when married? Yes, but there need to be boundaries. Read more about what makes a friendship inappropriate.

Are opposite-sex friendships with your spouse dangerous?

An informal survey shows that both married men and women were uncomfortable with their spouse having close friendships with the opposite sex. Not all opposite-sex friendships are dangerous, but it is important to err on the side of caution. It is helpful to discuss the nature of your friendship on a regular basis with your spouse.

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Can a woman have a best friend who is not her husband?

The same holds true for a woman who has as a best friend a man who is not her husband. Most married people who have affairs don’t purposely go out to find a romantic interest outside of their marriage.

Should you avoid close friendships when you’re getting married?

Honor your spouse’s wishes concerning your friendship – even if it means ending it. Avoid establishing close friendships with opposite-sex singles. Avoid close opposite-sex friendships if you are struggling in your marriage relationship.