
Is investment banking a competitive career?

Is investment banking a competitive career?

Investment banking is typically a highly competitive career and employers seek the best and brightest candidates for the job. Internships in investment banking or finance help students learn the skills they need, such as assessing portfolios using valuation models and analyzing assets.

Why do you want to become an investment banker?

One of the top reasons that investment banking may really be the job you want is the experience and exposure to financial modeling. Yes, new bankers have to do a lot of truly mundane things (like print and bind pitchbooks, make word edits, etc.), but they also get to learn one of the most sought-after skills in finance …

Why does investing banking make sense to you?

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Investment banking makes sense because I can develop valuation/pitching/modeling skills. “” noted the following if coming from consulting.

Why choose the wallstreetoasis investment banking interview course?

The WallStreetOasis investment banking interview course is designed by countless professionals with real world experience, tailored to help you break into investment banking by acing the technical questions. Want to Vote on this Content?! No WSO Credits?

How do you answer the why investment banking question?

With The Big Picture Method, you answer the Why Investment Bankingquestion by talking about how you started out on another path but shifted your interest to finance over time. This one works best if you’re: A Career Changer (at any level). A Non-Finance/Accounting Major. Interviewing with an Industry Group.

What is the difference between investment banking and consulting?

Whereas consulting engagements can last for years, especially when implementation is involved, the average investment banking mandate typically lasts for several months, so you are getting exposed to more scenarios and the learning curve is faster.