
Is infinity a number or a range?

Is infinity a number or a range?

One infinity could be much bigger that the other infinity… The world is strange near infinity ! Infinity does not have a range. It is not a number, per se.

What is the actual number of infinity?

Infinity is not a real number, it is an idea. An idea of something without an end. Infinity cannot be measured. Even these faraway galaxies can’t compete with infinity.

What is further than infinity and beyond?

One definition is: : The ideal point at the right end of the number line. With this definition, there is nothing (meaning: no real numbers) larger than infinity. However the set {1,2,3,4,5} is larger than the set {m,a,t,h} because and attempt to match them leaves one of the numbers 1,2,3,4 or 5 unmatched.

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Is infinity is a real no?

Infinity is a “real” and useful concept. However, infinity is not a member of the mathematically defined set of “real numbers” and, therefore, it is not a number on the real number line. One of the most common definitions to learn then is that the real numbers are the set of Dedekind cuts of the rational numbers.

What is the range of the number infinity?

The world is strange near infinity ! Infinity does not have a range. It is not a number, per se. Infinity is a concept. It is a concept of something, someplace, or some occurencd where you cannot reach, which is farther than all estimation. Whatever number you name, there will always be a number greater than it.

How do you know if Infinity is infinite?

Just think “endless”, or “boundless”. If there is no reason something should stop, then it is infinite. Infinity is not “getting larger”, it is already fully formed. Sometimes people (including me) say it “goes on and on” which sounds like it is growing somehow.

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What is the most important thing about infinity?

The most important thing about infinity is that: -∞ < x < ∞. Where x is a real number. Which is mathematical shorthand for. “negative infinity is less than any real number, and infinity is greater than any real number”. Here are some more properties: Special Properties of Infinity. ∞ + ∞ = ∞.

What is the difference between the actual infinite and potentially infinite?

The actual infinite is not a process in time; it is an infinity that exists wholly at one time. By contrast, Aristotle spoke of the potentially infinite as a never-ending process over time, but which is finite at any specific time. The word “potential” is being used in a technical sense.