
Is high school reunions still a thing?

Is high school reunions still a thing?

High school reunions are a dying tradition, made obsolete by the overwhelming presence of social media in our daily lives. But most of us barely have time to see the high school friends we’re actually still in touch with.

What years are high school reunions?

High school reunions happen every 5 or 10 years. Typically the first reunion is 10 years after high school has ended, and then every 5 or 10 years after that. For example, it may happen at 10, 20, and then 25 years. The physical invitation, email, or Facebook invite will list the exact reunion date.

Why should you attend your high school reunion?

5 Reasons To Attend Your High School Reunion 1. It’s nice to see the popular people living ordinary lives. Now, the Student Body President runs a small eldercare… 2. The 10th reunion is High School Part II. The same people still try to organize, direct, and cheer-lead the group. But… 3. The 20th

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Can you lose 50 pounds in time for your high school reunion?

Then you choke when you see the letter about the pending high school reunion only six months away. There is no way you’ll lose 50 pounds in time, so you tackle that second bag of cookies before it gets stale.

What happens at the 40th reunion?

The 40th Reunion brings the Memory Wall. Photos of smiling faces beam from a poster showing those who have died. It’s a stark reminder that we’re not invincible. The crowd that cheered together and stomped to the beat of “We are the Champions” is missing several members.

Is it time to move on from high school?

Some people can’t look back on high school without feeling twinges of pain and embarrassment.  Some people, for a lack of a better term “peaked” in high school, and want to visit that time again. It doesn’t matter what your opinion of those four years was, you’re an adult now, and it’s time to move on.