Is Gandalf stronger than Smaug?

Is Gandalf stronger than Smaug?

Gandalf absolutely could have killed Smaug in a one-on-one fight. The grey wizard fought and defeated the Balrog of Moria, and a dragon was a lesser evil than that.

Could Smaug have defeated Sauron?

In a fair fight smaug would crush Sauron. This is the guy who was defeated by a dog in the first age. (Huan) Smaug is just so big and has so much attack potential in a fair fight that Sauron would stand no chance. Smaug was made for war.

What would have happened if Gandalf just destroyed Smaug?

Gandalf needed not only Smaug gone, but a stronghold of free peoples reestablished. Had Gandalf simply turned up and destroyed the dragon, the dwarf-hoard would have remained there unguarded, almost certainly to become a source of terrible strife among the people in the north. This is covered in Appendix A of Lord of the Rings:

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Who would win in a fight between Smaug and Balrog?

Smaugs best feat was burning down a city and bulldozing through an army of Dwarves. You say that like it’s not impressive. Smaug would win. He’s bigger than the Balrog and has a lot more tools at his disposal, and is likely immune to Balrog’s fire. Depends on how you look at it. By lore, pretty sure the Balrog should win.

Was Gandalf more powerful than the Balrog?

Gandalf was somewhat immune to the Balrog’s fire (not entirely), but dragon-fire can melt Rings of Power. Conclusion: Smaug is more powerful than the Balrog, both in simple physicality, and probably spiritually as well. I think Gandalf would have been incinerated or simply crushed or eaten.

Which one is Smaug’s best feat?

Smaugs best feat was burning down a city and bulldozing through an army of Dwarves. The Balrog has even less feats. Therefore the 2 feat dragon takes it. Which J.R.R. tolkien’s monsters win? Smaugs best feat was burning down a city and bulldozing through an army of Dwarves. The Balrog has even less feats. Therefore the 2 feat dragon takes it.