Is fair play more important than winning Why?

Is fair play more important than winning Why?

Even if it is bullies, it does not mean breaking the rule is acceptable….

sportsmanship concerns considering the feelings of the other players
For Against
there is no evidence that the feelings of the losing team were hurt the winning team lacked sportsmanship

What is the importance of fair play?

Playing fair helps children enjoy the experience of playing together. It’s also an important part of getting along with others. And when children get along well with others, it gives them a sense of belonging and helps them grow and thrive.

What according to you is more important than winning a game?

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“What is more important than winning?” The experience. Whether it’s enjoying the game/contest, or learning something about yourself/life.

Which is more important winning the game or sportsmanship?

Simply put, sportsmanship is a choice. It is easy for parents and kids to get caught up in a game and become too focused on winning. Although winning is important, it is not always the most important aspect of the game.

What happens if a player does not play fair?

Whenever we act in the spirit of fair play we contribute to building a peaceful and better world. Without fairness and trustworthiness the established order of our society is at risk. If we do not play by the rules, we ruin the spirit of the game and it is impossible to play with destroyers of the game.

What is an example of fair play?

Fair play is defined as the act of abiding by the rules. An example of fair play is to follow the rules when playing tennis. Conformity to established rules. Good behavior, following the rules.

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How is fair play promoted as a value of Olympics?

Fair Play is a virtue of rule adherence whereby players and athletes abide by the rules of competition. It is also a commitment to contest in a good spirit and encourages a good attitude towards sport that includes respect, modesty, generosity and friendship.

What is the real meaning of fair play?

uncountable noun. If you refer to someone’s attitude or behaviour as fair play, you approve of it because it shows respect and sympathy towards everyone, even towards people who are thought to be wrong or to deserve punishment.

Is winning more important than participating?

Participation is more important than just winning. If you will keep on participating in different competition then one day you will get the result of your hard work. Participation increases our confidence level. At that time you should not be disappointed or upset at the result.

Is winning important in a game?

A win is an easy self-confidence boost, which is a big deal for many young athletes. Furthermore, winning is validation. A win says that the game has been played the right way and that practice paid off. Also, winning connects good feelings with the sport, which can give your young athlete the drive to keep going.

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What does bad sportsmanship look like?

Being angry at and arguing with opponents, referees, and teammates is a bad sportsmanship. If you get rejected, you may feel upset and think you were not treated fair. Know that next time you will have an opportunity to show everyone they were not right.