Is eurus Holmes bad?

Is eurus Holmes bad?

Eurus as a little girl after hurting herself. Eurus Holmes is the secondary antagonist of the BBC series Sherlock. She is a minor unseen antagonist in Series 3 and the main antagonist of Series 4. She is the evil younger sister of Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes.

Who is smarter Sherlock or eurus?

Sherlock was outsmarted by Eurus, but his intelligence level is not far from Eurus’, as he managed to break her and her plan just in time to save John, and began to rebuild his relationship with his sister.

Is eurus Holmes smarter than Mycroft?

Eurus is far smarter than both Mycroft and Sherlock. As a child, she was described as an “era-defining genius, beyond Newton”, while Mycroft was described as “remarkable”.

What did eurus want?

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He wanted to destroy sherlock. He got to know about him by Mycroft in trade of information, valuable information. But even Mycroft held back the information about red beard which i suppose is Sherlock’s weakest point. Eurus wanted to experiment on her brother, she wanted him to play with him.

Who is Eurus Holmes in Sherlock?

Eurus Holmes is one of the two main antagonists (along with Jim Moriarty) of the BBC series Sherlock . She is a minor antagonist in Series 3 and the main antagonist of Series 4. She is the psychopathic younger sister of Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. She is portrayed by Sian Brooke.

Who is the main antagonist in Sherlock?

Eurus Holmes is the secondary antagonist of the BBC series Sherlock . She is a minor unseen antagonist in Series 3 and the main antagonist of Series 4. She is the evil younger sister of Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes.

How did Sherlock save Watson from Eurus?

Sherlock was able to talk Eurus into helping him save Watson before she was taken away by the authorities and put back in Sherrinford. There, she fell into a completely catatonic state. However, during a visit Sherlock managed to get her to communicate by starting to play the violin with her.

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Is Eurus Holmes related to Hannibal Lecter?

A younger sister of Sherlock Holmes named Enola Holmes exists in the non-canon works The Enola Holmes Mysteries by Nancy Springer. Eurus’ behavior and interaction with Sherlock is clearly based on Hannibal Lecter, which the guards at Sherrinford make reference to themselves.