
Is copying or referencing OK when making art?

Is copying or referencing OK when making art?

References are something that all artist’s use as a guide. But, while using references, you as an artist must form your own art style. However, the art style must be created by you and not from copying/tracing an existing style.

Is drawing from reference OK?

Is drawing from reference bad? No. But as an artist, you need to realize that using reference can become a crutch that you lean on too heavily. If you are trying to create an illustration that is an exact copy of a photograph, then using a reference to do so is fine.

Is using art references for drawing bad?

Drawing a reference as may lose all spontaneity and energy in your drawing. The best is to use references as study object in order to learn to draw these things from memory. Reference photos you actually want to use are hard to find.

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Is it OK to reference other art?

yes, as long as you give credit if you make different art with the same style as the refference art. An addendum to my vote: It’s okay if you do it without tracing, but distinguishing your own style from someone else’s is important. I also think it is a good idea to note your sources of inspiration.

How do you draw better from references?

Here are some good tips to follow.

  1. Tilt your work. When drawing, it’s very important to tilt your work towards you.
  2. Keep your photo close. Tape your photo right next to your artwork.
  3. Concentrate.
  4. Use straight lines to see angles.

Is it okay to copy poses?

It’s honestly not even wrong, even if you copy a pose from another artist. However if you do take inspiration from something, whether it be a stock image or someone else’s piece of art, it’s still polite to just credit them, that’s all. But it’s still nice to credit the original picture and/or artist.

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Why do artists use reference images to improve their drawings?

So they don´t need as much reference anymore in order to be able to draw something believable. But if they are drawing something, that they never drew before, they will use reference Images until they understand the subject, that they want to draw. So don´t be hesitant to use reference images to improve your drawings.

Are there any artists who draw without using any reference?

There are always exceptions to a rule but you are right, there are quite a few artists, who draw without using any reference. But I bet you, they did when they were starting out and they will use reference images whenever they are drawing something, that they never drew before.

Should new artists copy?

Many new artists think about copying in one of two ways: Copying is a shameful act—something to be hidden. Copying is an unethical act—something to be avoided. But you guys, there’s nothing wrong with copying, as long as you follow some best practices. And in fact there are many reasons you should copy.

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Why do artists copy old master paintings?

A. Historically, artists perfected their skills by copying the works of old masters. In fact, this still goes on today in many American and European museums, where each copy is required to have different dimensions from the original in order to prevent sale of the copy as an original.