
Is chanting mantra a meditation?

Is chanting mantra a meditation?

This type of meditation uses a repetitive sound to clear the mind. It can be a word, phrase, or sound, one of the most common being “om.” Your mantra can be spoken loudly or quietly. After chanting the mantra for some time, you’ll be more alert and in tune with your environment.

What is the difference between Om Namah Shivaya and Namah Shivaya?

Although these two mantras appear to be same there is a slight difference in their appearance and meaning too. “Om Namah Shivaya” is a Sthula Panchakshar and is chanted for fulfilling worldly objective whereas “Om Shivaya Namaha” is Sooksham Panchakshar mantra and is chanted for attaining Moksha or liberation.

Can I chant Om Namah Shivaya silently?

The mantra, ‘Om Namah Shivaya,’ is one of the most powerful. It means I bow to Shiva. And if you chant it silently, unceasingly, night and day, wonderful things will happen.

Can we chant Om Namah Shivaya silently?

The mantra should either be chanted in one’s mind, silently or aloud. Though one can chant the mantra as many times they wish to, for best results it should be chanted atleast 108 times. Om Namah Shivay is a mantra you can chant just anywhere, in the car, in your office or at home.

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What happens when you chant Om Namah Shivay?

Chanting of Om Namah Shivaya mantra helps to cure ailments such as mental illness, depression, and insomnia. It’s a great stress buster. The regular chanting of Om Namah Shivay calms down your restless mind and gives it the much-needed stability.

What is the best time of day to chant the mantra?

The Mantra can be chanted at anytime during the day or night and even in bed, the chanter should visualize everything as being Shiva while chanting the Mantra.

What is the meaning of Shivaya mantra?

“ Shivaya ” is a combination of Shiva with “ya” added to the end, which directs the salutation to Lord Shiva. This Shiva Mantra is also commonly known as Panchakshara Mantra, Panchakshari Mantra or Namah Sivaya Mantra. The Shiva mantra shows up a lot in ancient text, in the Shri Rudram hymn, in particular.

How Om Namah Shivaya mantra helps in reducing high blood pressure?

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We have seen the aural effects of this Mantra when chanted with full concentration. Because of the vibrations, the blood flow to the brain is not hampered. So it does not clot and thereby prevents stroke, which may lead to harmful brain injuries. Om Namah Shivaya Helps You in Reducing High Blood Pressure