
Is Buddhism related to Christianity?

Is Buddhism related to Christianity?

Christianity is a monotheistic religion and believes that Christ Is the Son Of God. Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism and is a Dharmic religion. Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism and is an Abrahamic religion….Comparison chart.

Buddhism Christianity
Place of origin Indian subcontinent Roman province of Judea.

How did Muhammad differ from Jesus?

Jesus and Mohammed lived in two different periods. Jesus has called Himself the Son of God, and Mohammed called himself as the messenger of God. When Jesus got instructions directly from God, Mohammed received instructions from an angel. Jesus had never married whereas Mohammed had 11 wives.

What is the difference between Jesus and the Buddha?

Jesus also has been called by the Gospels the Refuge of the Tired, so has the Buddha in Buddhistic scriptures been called Asarn Sarn, i.e., the refuge of the refugeless. Jesus has also been called the Gospel’s King, though the interpreted it as King of the Kingdom of Heaven, so also Buddha has been called the King.

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What was Jesus’ exposure to Buddhism like?

The extent of Jesus’ exposure to Buddhism depends on just where he was during his lost years. If Jesus lived his life only in Judea, then his exposure was minimal. If he traveled outside Judea, especially to Mesopotamia, then his exposure to Buddhist-influenced groups was increased.

Did Jesus study Buddhism in India?

Historical evidence indicates that Jesus was well acquainted with Buddhism. If Jesus did not go to India, then at least India went to Judea and Jesus. The real historical question is not if he studied Buddhism, but where and how much he studied Buddhism, especially during his so-called “lost years.”

Did Muhammad criticize someone for what he thought was wrong?

Saying there is no wrong and then criticizing someone for something based on what he believed is wrong, is a contradiction. After each major battle with the Medinans, Muhammad accused one of the Jewish tribes of treachery (see Surah 2:100) and attacked it. After Badr, Muhammad besieged the Banu Qaynuga and forced their surrender.

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