
Is breaking bad considered the best show ever?

Is breaking bad considered the best show ever?

Breaking Bad is widely regarded as one of the greatest television series of all time. It had moderate viewership in its first three seasons, but the fourth and fifth seasons saw a significant rise in viewership when it was made available on Netflix just before the fourth season premiere.

What’s better the Wire or Sopranos?

In whole, the Sopranos has a higher re-watch value. The Wire does get preachy at times, but its also important to note that skipping scenes in the Wire is far easier to do than the Sopranos. The Wire’s characters arc’s are the best I ever seen At the end of the show, all characters come in full circle.

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Is the wire better than the Sopranos?

Is The Wire or Sopranos better?

Why is Breaking Bad such a good show?

On a rewatch of Breaking Bad, hardly an episode goes by without feeling the anticipation (or dread) of an upcoming memorable moment, and knowing what is to come and still being riveted is a testament to how iconic the show is as a whole. Both The Wire and Breaking Bad remain at the peak of prestige TV.

Why is Breaking Bad so different from the wire?

Breaking Bad, on the other hand, struggled with its tone and narrative for the first two seasons. From the jump, The Wire was about systems and power, and to tell that story, it made a bold narrative decision by attempting to dispense with a single protagonist.

Which season of the wire is the best?

Each season is also better than the last, building to a conclusion that is both satisfying and conclusive. Look, I’m one of the few people who LOVES Season 2 of The Wire, but many people will say that Seasons 3 and 4 are the best of the series.

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Is ‘the wire’ worth watching in 2014?

The systems of American capitalism and justice are a sham, the show made you see, which is a fact that’s so bracingly real in 2014, it’s disgusting. The Wire began, in its first season, by chronicling the Barksdale drug operation and the struggle of the police assigned to bring it down.