Tips and tricks

Is Belongs_to optional in rails?

Is Belongs_to optional in rails?

belongs_to associations are now automatically required: true So if the association is optional, that must be declared, or validation will fail without the presence of the associated model record.

What is the difference between Has_one and Belongs_to?

They essentially do the same thing, the only difference is what side of the relationship you are on. If a User has a Profile , then in the User class you’d have has_one :profile and in the Profile class you’d have belongs_to :user .

What is Belongs_to in Ruby on Rails?

belongs_to means that the foreign key is in the table for this class. So belongs_to can ONLY go in the class that holds the foreign key. has_one means that there is a foreign key in another table that references this class.

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What is polymorphic association in Rails?

In Ruby on Rails, a polymorphic association is an Active Record association that can connect a model to multiple other models. For example, we can use a single association to connect the Review model with the Event and Restaurant models, allowing us to connect a review with either an event or a restaurant.

What is optional true in rails?

If you set the :optional option to true , then the presence of the associated object won’t be validated. By default, this option is set to false . otherwise it will be required associated object.

Does rails have one association?

A has_one association indicates that one other model has a reference to this model. That model can be fetched through this association. This relation can be bi-directional when used in combination with belongs_to on the other model.

Does laravel have one or belongs?

The main difference is which side of the relationship holds the relationship’s foreign key. The model that calls $this->belongsTo() is the owned model in one-to-one and many-to-one relationships and holds the key to the owning model.

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What does @variable mean in Ruby?

In Ruby, the at-sign ( @ ) before a variable name (e.g. @variable_name ) is used to create a class instance variable. These variables are: Specific to each instantiated object of the class they’re defined in (i.e. each class object instance has a separate copy of these variables).

What is single table inheritance in rails?

Single-table inheritance (STI) is the practice of storing multiple types of values in the same table, where each record includes a field indicating its type, and the table includes a column for every field of all the types it stores.

How is polymorphic association set up in Rails?

The basic structure of a polymorphic association (PA)sets up 2 columns in the comment table. (This is different from a typical one-to-many association, where we’d only need one column that references the id’s of the model it belongs to). For a PA, the first column we need to create is for the selected model.

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How do I create a custom validation in rails?

Custom Validations in Rails

  1. Validate with custom method. class Post < ApplicationRecord validate :custom_validation private def custom_validation if ! (
  2. Validate with ActiveModel validation. class CustomValidator < ActiveModel::Validator def validate(record) if ! (
  3. Validate with PORO class.

How do I rollback migration in Rails?

To undo a rails generate command, run a rails destroy command. You can then edit the file and run rake db:migrate again. (See how to roll back a Migration file to rollback a specific migration or multiple migrations.)