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Is being a stockbroker prestigious?

Is being a stockbroker prestigious?

Stock brokers were rated to have “hardly any prestige at all” by 31\% of surveyed Americans. However, 43\% said stock brokers have “some prestige” and 11\% said they have “considerable prestige.” Thirteen percent would even say “great prestige”—up from 10\% last year and a low of 8\% in 2003 when it was first tracked.

Does being a broker pay well?

The top stockbrokers and other financial sales pros make more than $208,000 a year. You can make decent money as a stockbroker. The median pay for stockbrokers and other sales agents who sell securities, commodities and other financial services was $63,780 in 2017, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

What is the best degree for a stock broker?

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Finance. Most academic advisors recommend that students who want to become stockbrokers choose a degree in finance or financial services. Many schools offer bachelor’s degree programs, and some schools offer master’s degree programs in this field.

What degrees do most stock brokers have?

Most employers require a bachelor’s degree to qualify for entry-level positions in securities, commodities or financial services. There is no specific degree required, although a four-year degree in business, economics, finance or accounting is preferred.

Can brokers make millions?

Myth #1: All Stockbrokers Make Millions The average stockbroker doesn’t make anything near the millions that we tend to imagine. In fact, some lose a lot of money through their trading activities. The majority of companies pay their employees a base salary plus commission on the trades they make.

Is becoming a stockbroker right for You?

Becoming a stockbroker isn’t for everybody. It’s all about setting expectations and priorities. If you think it is for you, then be ready to put in the hard work and long hours. But you will be rewarded handsomely in the end. CC image courtesy of Hernan Seoane on Flickr.

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Is being a doctor a prestigious profession in India?

In India ,a profession is prestigious only by power. If people are afraid to mess with you or you can ruin anyone’s life ,then your profession is prestigious. Doctors’ profession is not prestigious.

How are stockbrokers portrayed in movies and media?

Stockbrokers have been portrayed in many ways in film and media. The most recent example is The Wolf of Wall Street. The job might look glamorous in one depiction and then cutthroat in another. The reality is somewhere in between.

Is it better to be a doctor or lawyer?

At the high end of the legal profession, lawyers make more money and have significantly more power/influence than do doctors, but we’re talking about perhaps 5\% of the legal profession. If you’re comparing the average lawyer to the average doctor, the doctor will win the prestige contest hands down.