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Is Balin of LOTR the same as The Hobbit?

Is Balin of LOTR the same as The Hobbit?

Balin is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien’s legendarium. He is an important supporting character in The Hobbit, and is mentioned in The Fellowship of the Ring.

Who is Balin son of Fundin?

Balin was a Dwarf leader, the son of Fundin, and elder brother of Dwalin. He was one of the thirteen Dwarves who accompanied Thorin II Oakenshield on the quest to regain the Lonely Mountain. A Dwarf Lord known for his wise counsel and willingness to listen, he was one of Thorin’s closest friends and advisers.

Is Moria and Erebor the same?

Moria and Erebor are different places. However, Moria remained their main city and capital until they were driven out by the balrog in 1981 of the Third Age. At first, the remaining dwarves established a new capital at Erebor. But during the rest if the Third Age there’s.

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What relation is Balin to Gimli?

Gimli was of the royal line, but not close to the succession; he was the third cousin once removed of Dáin II Ironfoot, king of Durin’s Folk, and the first cousin once removed of Balin, also one of Bilbo’s former companions, and later briefly Lord of Moria.

Did Bilbo return to Erebor?

Yes. It is mentioned that in the 17 years until Frodo journeyed to Rivendell,Bilbo travelled back to Erebor and saw the progress in the rebuilding there.

Are Balin and Dwalin brothers? Description: Balin was the brother of Dwalin and the second-oldest of the thirteen Dwarves. He was the second Dwarf to appear unexpectedly, at Bag End, the home of Bilbo Baggins, on a day in April 2941.

Where is Erebor during LotR?

the Lonely Mountain
In J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth legendarium, the Lonely Mountain is a mountain northeast of Mirkwood. It is the location of the Dwarvish Kingdom under the Mountain. The town of Dale lies in a vale on its southern slopes. In The Lord of the Rings, the mountain is called by the Sindarin name Erebor.

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Are gloin and Balin related?

Gloin and Balin are first cousins, so technically Gimil is Balin’s first cousin once removed. Gloin and Balin’s fathers are sons of Farin, son of Borin, son of Nain. Thorin Oakenshield and Dain Ironfoot are also descended from Nain, by the way.

Are Balin and Gimil related to Gimli?

Gloin and Balin are first cousins, so technically Gimil is Balin’s first cousin once removed. Gloin and Balin’s fathers are sons of Farin, son of Borin, son of Nain. Thorin Oakenshield and Dain Ironfoot are also descended from Nain, by the way. They aren’t cousins per se. Gimli’s great-grandfather Farin, had two sons.

Who is Gimli’s father in The Lord of the Rings?

The Lord of the Rings film trilogy Gimli as portrayed in Peter Jackson’s films In Peter Jackson ‘s films, Gimli (played by by John Rhys-Davies) accompanies his father, Glóin, and a deputation of Dwarves who had been summoned to the Council of Elrond to discuss the fate of the One Ring.

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Why did Balin take the title Lord of Moria?

After the discovery of these items Balin took the title Lord of Moria. Ultimately, the search for the ring, which conferred great wealth and a curse of greed on its owner, was in vain, as it had been taken from Thráin II by Sauron.

Where did Gimli travel with the Fellowship in The Hobbit?

Gimli journeyed with the fellowship southward along the Misty Mountains. However, the Fellowship was stymied in their attempt to traverse the pass of Caradhras, and were compelled to travel under the mountain rather than go over it.