Tips and tricks

Is asking age a personal question?

Is asking age a personal question?

You don’t need to know how old anyone is, so don’t ask. It doesn’t tell you anything about the person anyway. Age and weight are things people judge on.

How do you ask someone about themselves?

How to Get Someone to Talk About Themselves

  1. Create a welcoming environment.
  2. Be an active listener.
  3. Ask about their day.
  4. Talk about their interests.
  5. Request advice.
  6. Try the 2-question technique.
  7. Parrot the 3 words they just said.
  8. Reply calmly.

How do you ask how old are you on your birthday?

The easiest way to ask using this question is to use the past perfect: “How old did you turn?” However, as I said, this is not normally how we would ask this question. It’s an awkward phrasing. Colloquially, it is more common to say, “How old are you now?” If you don’t know or remember their age.

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How can you tell how old someone is by their hands?

Overall, the physical characteristic which most commonly gave away age was prominent hand veins. In altered images where hand veins were removed, participants significantly felt hands looked younger. Fullness and a lack of wrinkles and veins characterized the youngest looking hands.

How do you ask someone’s age without asking them?

Here are 15 ways to find out how old your date really is without actually asking:

  1. Stalk him on social media. Social media is always a go-to.
  2. Ask mutual friends.
  3. Check LinkedIn.
  4. Google him.
  5. Search public records and data.
  6. Analyze his name.
  7. Bring up technology.
  8. Discuss school memories.

What are some good questions to ask older people?

37 Great Questions to Ask Older People or Grandparents. 1 1. “Did you ever have a curfew?”. 2 2. “How did you get to school?”. 3 3. “Who was your favorite teacher?”. 4 4. “What was the worst trick you played on your parents?”. 5 5. “Did you ever face any disadvantages?”.

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How do you find out how old a person is?

Google his name and any other relevant information, like the company he works for or the city he lives in. Slyly bringing up school is one of the easiest ways to get to know his age.

What questions can you ask to get to know someone?

Here’s a set of questions you can ask to get to know someone. The guide starts with casual questions that are fitting for an acquaintance or someone you just met. Then we go deeper with personal questions to get to know someone like a friend or a family member, a girl/guy, or even your best friend. 1. What’s your favorite time of the year? 2.

What questions should I Ask my 16-year-old daughter?

Most parents didn’t buy their kids cars at age 16, although kids today think they automatically deserve one. 3. “Who was your favorite teacher?” This tells you two quick things about someone. One, you’ll find out whether he or she loved English and hated science and how that impacted a future career choice. 4.