Tips and tricks

Is a 30 minute commute too much?

Is a 30 minute commute too much?

Once you get more than 30 minutes away from your job, no matter how you actually come into work, it starts to feel like a chore. You begin to hate the commute. Doesn’t matter if you drive, take a train, walk, etc. 30 minutes, one-way, is our max!

Is an hour commute worth it?

The biggest and most obvious advantage of a shorter commute is the time you’ll save. If you’re able to trim off 30 minutes of commuting each way, that’s an hour a day, which saves you 250 hours of time every year (if you work five days per week and have two weeks of vacation).

Is it worth living close to work?

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The advantages are clear. If you live closer to work, your commute is shorter. If you can shave 15 minutes off of your commute each way, then that’s another half an hour each day that’s available to you for personal use. If you shave 30 minutes off of your commute, that’s another hour each workday.

How long should commute to work be?

Finding The Ideal Commute Distance When researchers asked participants what their ideal commute time would be, they discovered that most people requested it to be at least 5 minutes long.

How much time should you spend on your commute to work?

A study by the University of West England found that adding 20 minutes to your daily commute has the same negative effect on job satisfaction as receiving a 19 percent pay cut. In fact, every extra minute commuting lowered satisfaction with their job and leisure time.

How much does it cost to commute to work in Boston?

In Boston, that works out to at least $135 a month. Maybe you ride a bike to work (good luck with that in the winter, and with our legendary Boston drivers.) The soft costs of commuting can only be calculated using personal algebra. How much do you like your job?

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Is an hour commute easy or a burden?

For one person, an hour commute may be easy, for another, it will be a terrible burden. In this fragile job market, having a job must be the first consideration.

Is your long commute hurting your mental health?

The longer your commute, the less time you have for family, friends, exercise and nutrition—and it’s awful for your mental state. A study of more than 34,000 U.K. workers found that people with long commutes are 33 percent more likely to suffer from depression; 12 percent more likely to report work-related stress;