
Is 79 a good percentage?

Is 79 a good percentage?

Generally, at the school level percentages of 75-85 are considered average while above 95 is exceptional. At the university level however percentages between 60-79 are considered excellent and are quite difficult to obtain.

What is a good percentage in class 10?

90 \%
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q1. What is a good percentage in class 10? Ans: A 90 \% and above score is considered a good percentage in class 10th.

Is 80\% a good result?

Yes. 80\% is a very good score in class 10. You can eaisly choose any stream you want and do what you want. But above all of that a marksheet should not tell who or what you are.

What is a good score in class 10?

Scoring this high requires a lot of dedication, hard work and 100\% concentration in your studies. Getting a score of 90\% and above in your board exams is possible if you study throughout the year. However, to score more than 90\% in CBSE Class 10, you need to be extremely focused.

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What is a 79 percent grade?

A C+ letter grade is equivalent to a 2.3 GPA, or Grade Point Average, on a 4.0 GPA scale, and a percentage grade of 77–79.

What is 79\% on a test?

How to calculate test score

Letter Grade Percentile
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79

Is 80\% a good score in class 10th?

Look buddy 80\%is a good score in class 10th …just remember one thing this scores are not going to decide ur college ..and 11th 12th is completely different from 10th ..there are many people who score bad score in 10th and then get good percentage don’t worry jst be cool and move on ..

Is 88\% a good grade in 10th grade?

If you are more of a research person, and don’t care about grades, so 88\% is good in that case. If you are a sports person, 88\% is good. It is all about learning. If you learn even with 88\%, then everything is good. But if learn nothing and score 88\%, that is bad. Also, 10th grade does not matter.

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Is 80\% a good score in a level?

Answer Wiki. 24 Answers. 80\% is not a good score but a decent score as most of the students are able to score this much .It also depends on what type of student are you …..iff you have interest in games and any other thing which is not related to studies then your score is pretty good .

Is 8080\% a good score in the CBSE 10th standard?

80\% is not a good score but a decent score as most of the students are able to score this much .It also depends on what type of student are you …..iff you have interest in games and any other thing which is not related to studies then your score is pretty good .