Tips and tricks

How use media query in jQuery?

How use media query in jQuery?

var window_size = window. matchMedia(‘(max-width: 768px)’)); This works the same way as media queries and is supported on many browsers apart from IE9 and lower. To use matchMedia you need to pass in the min or max values you want to check (like media queries) and see if the viewport matches this.

What is media query in JavaScript?

Media queries are used to determine the width and height of a viewport to make web pages look good on all devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, phones, etc). The window. matchMedia() method returns a MediaQueryList object representing the results of the specified CSS media query string.

What is the relationship between JavaScript and jQuery?

JavaScript is an independent language and can exist on its own. JQuery is a JavaScript library. It would not have been invented had JavaScript was not there. jQuery is still dependent on JavaScript as it has to be converted to JavaScript for the browser in-built JavaScript engine to interpret and run it.

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Are Media Queries deprecated?

Each media query consists of a media type and zero or more expressions that check for the conditions of particular media features. A media type is one of the following: all, print, screen, or speech. The following media types are deprecated: braille, embossed, handheld, projection, tty, and tv.

How do you check media queries?

Media Query Viewer

  1. Open Chrome/Edge DevTools.
  2. Enable Mobile view.
  3. Ensure select “Responsive” on the device list.
  4. Select “show media queries”

How add media query in jQuery CSS?

In most cases, developers need to add CSS properties & media Query dynamically to the HTML element using jQuery….3. Add Media Query Using jQuery

  1. Create a function responsive(maxWidth) .
  2. If maxWidth.
  3. Pass a value (max-width: 600px) to the window.matchMedia() and assign it to maxWidth.

Can I use match media?

Browser compatibility wise, window. matchMedia() is supported in FF6+, IE10+, Chrome/ Safari, and Opera 12+. To test for browser support, you can simply test for support for the property window.

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Which is faster jQuery or JavaScript?

Nearly all plain Javascript functions will be faster than jQuery operations. This is because jQuery has overhead in creating a jQuery object in order to be more flexible, allow for chaining, support collections, etc…

Are media queries independent?

Media queries are (almost) always independent of the contents of the document, its styling, or any other internal aspect; they’re only dependent on “external” information unless another feature explicitly specifies that it affects the resolution of Media Queries.

What is mediamedia query in jQuery?

Media query is a CSS module which was introduced with CSS3. But, did you know it can still be used with jQuery? It can! Let’s learn more about media queries and how you can implement them with jQuery.

Why aren’t the $(window) width() and CSS media query firing together?

After testing various devices and browsers, I noticed the $ (window).width () and CSS media query weren’t firing together. This was due to inconsistency amongst browser windows and scrollbars. This small discrepancy causes bigger issues when accuracy is number one priority for triggering certain functions. Solution?

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Is it better to use CSS or matchmedia?

As ausi pointed out, matchMedia would be a great choice as CSS is better standardised (matchMedia uses JS to read the viewport values detected by CSS). But even with accepted standards, retarded browsers still exist that ignore them (IE < 10 in this case, which makes matchMedia not very useful at least until XP dies).