
How to find smallest number in c programming?

How to find smallest number in c programming?

STEP 1: START. STEP 2: INITIALIZE arr[] = {25, 11, 7, 75, 56} STEP 3: length= sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]) STEP 4: min = arr[0]

How do you find the largest 10 numbers in C?

At the beginning of the loop, variable ‘greatest’ is assigned with the value of the first element in the array greatest=a[0]. Here variable ‘greatest’ is assigned 2 as a[0]=2. Below loop is executed until the end of the array ‘a[]’;. For each value of ‘i’, value of a[i] is compared with value of variable ‘greatest’.

Which construct do you choose to solve greatest of two numbers?

Algorithm to find the greatest of two numbers

  1. Ask the user to enter two integer values.
  2. Read the two integer values in num1 and num2 (integer variables).
  3. Check if num1 is greater than num2.
  4. If true, then print ‘num1’ as the greatest number.
  5. If false, then print ‘num2’ as the greatest number.
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How do you find greater two numbers in C?

How to find largest and smallest number in an array in C?

In this C Program to find Largest and Smallest Number in an Array, the following lines of code will assign the first array element (element at index position 0) to Minimum and Maximum variables. Minimum = a[0]; Maximum = a[0]; Here, For Loop will make sure that the number is between 0 and maximum size value.

What is the largest number in C?

Enter the numbers A, B and C: 2 8 1 8 is the largest number. Want to learn from the best curated videos and practice problems, check out the C Foundation Course for Basic to Advanced C.

What is the largest and the smallest number in the loop?

Here, we suppose that lar is the largest number and sm is the smallest number for now. Now inside the loop, the program asks the user to input a number (n -1) times (n-1 times as first number is already asked before the loop).

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How to find the largest of three numbers using algorithm?

Algorithm to find the largest of three numbers: 1. Start 2. Read the three numbers to be compared, as A, B and C. 3. Check if A is greater than B. 3.1 If true, then check if A is greater than C. 3.1.1 If true, print ‘A’ as the greatest number. 3.1.2 If false, print ‘C’ as the greatest number. 3.2 If false, then check if B is greater than C.