
How to deal with a girl who already has a boyfriend?

How to deal with a girl who already has a boyfriend?

Avoid taking it personally that she doesn’t love you back. If the girl you love already has a boyfriend, this doesn’t mean that her boyfriend is better than you. You are just as deserving of love as her boyfriend! She already has feelings or a history with her boyfriend, and it’s normal for her to prioritize that.

What happens if your girlfriend is seeing someone else?

In case you missed it, she’s not dating you: she’s dating someone else. As a ground rule, if a woman is seeing someone else, you don’t owe her anything. Any judgment she casts on you doesn’t matter, because you’re not her boyfriend. She doesn’t have the right to stake her claim on you, or prevent you from hooking up with anyone else.

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Why would a girl leave her boyfriend for another guy?

Of course, sometimes a woman will leave her boyfriend if the new guy is making her feel very attracted and she is bored of being in a crappy relationship, but if the girl you like hasn’t made it clear that she wants to leave him for you, then she’s most-likely just flirting with you to make herself feel good.

Is it okay to treat a girl nicer than her boyfriend?

The thing is, you probably are a really good guy and you probably would treat her nicer than her boyfriend. However, even though the girl looks unhappy because the guy is a bad boy or a jerk, it doesn’t mean that she’s going to want to leave him for a sweet nice guy who is going to treat her like a princess. Why?

What to do if a girl is seeing someone else?

Let’s start with the basics: this girl has a boyfriend. In case you missed it, she’s not dating you: she’s dating someone else. As a ground rule, if a woman is seeing someone else, you don’t owe her anything. Any judgment she casts on you doesn’t matter, because you’re not her boyfriend.