
How should I start my IAS for Class 8?

How should I start my IAS for Class 8?

There are 15 important tips mentioned below:

  1. Tip #1: Prepare Yourself.
  2. Tip #2: Make a Time Table.
  3. Tip #3: Know the UPSC Syllabus.
  4. Tip #4: Newspaper Reading/Current Affairs for IAS.
  5. Tip #5: Choosing Optional.
  6. Tip #6: NCERTs.
  7. Tip #7: Making Notes.
  8. Tip #8: Answer Writing Practice.

How can I prepare for IAS in school?

10 Tips for Students to Prepare for IAS Exam while in College

  1. Take the early advantage.
  2. Realise that you have time constraints, so prioritize your time!
  3. Buy the most recommended books for IAS preparation.
  4. Enroll for ClearIAS mock test series.
  5. Utilise your spare time.
  6. Read newspapers and magazines.
  7. Keep writing.
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How should I start my IAS for Class 9?

First you go through the syllabus of civil service examination and focus on the subjects which are overlapping with your subjects. 3. Start reading newspaper Hindu or Indian express preferably. But you don’t have to make any notes as such, just develop an overall understanding of the issues.

Which subject is best for IAS in class 9th?

Now as you are in class 9 you have a lot of scope. You should emphasize on the subjects like History, Geography, English, General science etc which will be helpful in your UPSC attempts.

How should beginners prepare for IAS?

Beginners should ideally get at least 10 – 12 months before the UPSC prelims exam for preparation. You can comprehensively cover the syllabus and have enough test practice only then….The most important tip for beginners.

IAS General Studies Notes Links
Charter Act 1853 English Literature Books

What books should I read for IAS?

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Important books for UPSC (IAS) Preparation: Prelims

  • Indian Polity for Civil Services Examinations by M.
  • Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania (Culture)
  • Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong. (
  • Oxford School Atlas by Oxford Publishers. (
  • Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh (Economy)

How to become an IAS officer after 10th?

•After 10th,you have to take any group in class 11. •After Intermediate,you have to complete your graduation (Any degree). •After 3-4 years of degree,you have to take coaching for an IAS for 1 year. •After coaching,You have to write an exams (I.e.prelims,mains).

How to prepare for IAS exam in 8th Class?

You are in 8th class and you have a lot of time ahead for IAS preparation. Concentrate on your studies and try to get good marks in school. NCERT books are recommended for IAS preparation. So if you are in school then whatever you are studying is important. General studies subject in most important in IAS examination.

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What is the eligibility criteria for IAS?

IAS stands for Indian Administrative Services. Candidates are required to appear in UPSC examination to get employed in civil services. IAS is also considered as civil services. The minimum requirement of appearing in UPSC examination is successful complete of a bachelor’s degree programme in any specialisation or subjects.

How to become a civil services officer after passing 8th standard?

Since you are in 8th standard which means you have to wait for another 7 years to set your self eligible for the Civil Services Exam by completing graduation in these 7 years. The Civil Services Exam is considered as one of the toughest exams conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission.