
How rare is an INFJ male?

How rare is an INFJ male?

It might even be the rarest, as INFJ males are thought to make up only 0.5 to 1 percent of the population. They’re only rivaled by INTJ females, who are estimated to be a similar percentage of the population. Originally, I put down my “differences” to my hearing loss.

What INFJ men are attractive?

He can get me like no one else. I am also interested in intellectual discussions and he was very knowledgable so I found that very attractive. I think women who value feelings and emotions and self-improvement will find INFJ guys very appealing and satisfying.

What are male INFJs like?

They are not overly emotional individuals by any means, and often prefer to keep their feelings to themselves. They are independent and private, which makes their emotional side only visible to those closest to them. INFJ males do however have a rather compassionate nature, and will come to the aid of those in need.

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Are most INFJs male or female?

Filled with strong, confident, and charismatic women, the ENFJ personality ranks around 9th for females and makes up 3.3\% of the female population. Comparatively, when it comes to men, this personality that is already rare on a global scale is actually tied for the rarest male personality with INFJ.

Are INFJ really that rare?

The INFJ is thought to be the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type, making up only 1-3 percent of the population. Both introverted and people-oriented, emotional and rational, thoughtful yet at times spontaneous, INFJs can feel like walking contradictions.

What type of girls do INFJ guys like?

INFJs are often attracted to people who are passionate souls. They want someone with an intelligent mind and a complex way of viewing the world. These types of people are capable of teaching the INFJ something new, and this leaves them feeling excited and intrigued by their presence.

What is the INFJ aura like?

They have a calm and mysterious aura about them. They may not feel this way in their mind, but if you’re around them, you might feel at ease. They tend to be reading, drinking tea or coffee, or making jokes with friends.

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How do you win an Infj guy?

23 INFJs Explain Exactly How To Win Their Type Over

  1. “Approach me like a cat would to an unknown object.
  2. “I need to be able to trust you.
  3. “Actively listen and engage in conversation.
  4. “Answer all my questions honestly – and don’t make a move too soon.
  5. “I usually feel an affinity towards someone right away or not.

What is the fifth rarest personality type?

The ENTP – 4.3\% of the National Sample As the fifth-rarest personality type, ENTPs are known for their innovative, imaginative approach to life. Because they are drawn towards novelty and transformation, ENTPs are the quintessential “idea-people” of the world.

What makes the INFJ male so unique?

INFJ males are even less common, and because of this they are often faced with unique struggles. Being different can leave them feeling alienated from the world around them, and even cause them to experience certain levels of self-doubt. Here are a few things that make the INFJ male both unique and incredible.

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How do you know if you are an INFJ?

Signs You’re an INFJ 1. From a young age, you felt different from the people around you. Even if you had plenty of friends, you never felt like you truly fit in. Sometimes you faked being more like them so they would accept you. This is normal for an INFJ, because we need a sense of community and harmony with those around us. 2.

Are INFJ males more like Lone Wolves?

This doesn’t mean that an INFJ male won’t still possess many of the typical male thought patterns and behaviors, but they simply appear more like a lone wolf in many ways. They often do not stand for other peoples sometimes selfish actions, and are much more in tune the emotions of others.

Why do INFJs feel alienated from most people?

They want to do whatever they can to help and to make a real difference in the world around them. This feeling often begins at a very young age, which will often leave the INFJ feeling completely alienated from most people around them. They often do connect with their masculine side and enjoy having time with their male friends.