
How much it costs for MS in Germany?

How much it costs for MS in Germany?

MS in Germany is usually a one to a two-year degree (2-4 semesters). There is no tuition fee for pursuing master’s in Germany, as most of the German Universities are state-funded. Students just have to pay a one-time enrollment fee which costs about 8,313 EUR to 16,626 EUR depending on the choice of program.

What is the minimum fees for MS in USA?


Factors/Parameter Amount in USD Amount in INR
Airfares (one-way) $675 ₹50,000
Tuition Fee $40,000 ₹29,60,000
Living Expenses $15,000 ₹11,10,000
TOTAL EXPENSES $58,000 ₹42,92,000

How much it costs to study MS in Canada?

The cost of MS in Canada in Indian Rupees (INR) is around 9,57,000 Rs. In the table above, the average Canada universities fees in Indian Rupees are not considerate of a few courses….1. Canada university tuition fees.

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Field of study Bachelors Annual fees (INR) Masters Annual fees (INR)
Humanities 15,46,000 7,37,000

How much it cost to study MS in Australia?

MS in Australia: Popular Programs for International Students

Program Average Duration Average Program Fees (AUD)
Masters in Engineering 1.5-2 years 18,000-50,000
MS Environmental Sciences 1-2 years 30,000-70,000
MS Finance 1-2 years 70,000-106,000
MS Nursing 1.5-2 years 60,000-80,000

Is Australia expensive for MS?

Study in Australia, the official government site for international students, gives the typical annual tuition fees for international graduate students as: Master’s degree – AU$20,000 (US$14,400) to $37,000 (US$26,600); Doctoral degree – AU$14,000 (US$10,060) to $37,000 (US$26,600).

What is the cheapest university in Australia?

Federation University of Australia Founded in 1870, it is the fourth-oldest higher education institution in Australia. With the tuition fee starting from $17,335 USD per year, the Federation University of Australia is the cheapest university in Australia for international students.

How much does an MS degree cost in the US?

Cost of MS degree in the US. In the US, the tuition fee for an MS degree is based on the credit hour of the course and the type of university (i.e., public or a private university). Do remember that the minimum credit hours of an MS program is 30 hours. The average cost of a master’s degree in the US is between $30,000 and $120,000.

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How much scholarship do you get for an MS in USA?

Average scholarship offered is 10,000 USD for one year to students pursuing an MS in any of the USA universities. Popular MS Programs Popular Programs for MS in USA

What are the expenses of an MS program?

It’s also the biggest expense you’ll be making. On average, consider tuition fees to be USD 40,000 (INR 29,60,000) for a two-year MS program. Of course, you may get scholarships or other financial aid which can reduce these costs. You might also want to consider financing your tuition fee with an education loan 2. Living Expenses:

How do I get admission in US universities for an MS?

US universities accept applications through their respective application portals for MS. But for certain MS courses, there are around 40 central application portals designed for admission applications. They are known as Centralized Application Services (CAS), streamlined by Liaison.