
How much does it cost to post a course on Skillshare?

How much does it cost to post a course on Skillshare?

Who can teach on Skillshare? Skillshare teachers are working professionals, experts, and subject matter enthusiasts. But as long as your class adheres to our Class Guidelines, it can be published on Skillshare. There is no cost to publishing a class.

How much does it cost to teach a class on Skillshare?

How much is Skillshare? Skillshare Basic is technically free, but most courses are locked behind Skillshare Premium, which costs $19 a month. You can also save money with the $99 annual plan, which works out to $8.25 a month.

Do teachers get paid on Skillshare?

On average, teachers can earn $200 a month on Skillshare, with repeat, long-term teachers earning upwards of $3,000! You must get a minimum total of 30 paid minutes watched across all of your classes within a month in order to receive a payment for that month.

Is Skillshare worth it as a teacher?

You should pick Skillshare if you’re looking for a varied online learning platform with tons of short-form content for a low annual price. If you want 30 minute lessons with pragmatic projects and applicable takeaways, you’ll benefit from Skillshare.

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How do you get paid by skillshare?

There are two direct ways to receive payments from Skillshare:

  1. Receive a $10 commission for each premium subscription referral you send to the platform via personal referral links.
  2. Receive a portion of Skillshare’s monthly profits based on how many premium minutes people watched with regards to your Skillshare classes.

Is skillshare worth the hype?

Skillshare is worth it for the majority of people. It provides the chance to learn a wide variety of topics online from expert teachers. You’ll learn via high-quality videos that you can watch at your own pace, and most of the courses taught by Skillshare teachers are excellent quality.

How much do you have to pay for Skillshare?

Skillshare offers a limited free tier, Premium memberships ($8 per month or $29.88 per year), and Teams accounts ($139 per person per year, with a minimum of 2 people). The free version gives you access to a small selection of video classes and their related content, such as PDF workbooks and community discussions.

How do I make a class on Skillshare?

Head to to start a class draft. There are no applications or approvals. Work at your own pace to publish your class to Skillshare whenever you’re ready. Check out our Teacher Handbook for all of our tips and best practices for creating a successful class on Skillshare.

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How much do you earn on Skillshare?

According to Skillshare, on average, a teacher can earn around $200 in their first month with one class. Top teachers on the platform earn $3,000+ per month. The more classes you teach and the more you grow your following on the platform, the higher your income potential.

How much do you get paid per minute on Skillshare?

How much does skillshare pay per minute? Skillshare pay between $0.05 to $0.10 per minute watched. For example, if you are a teacher and your students watched 5,000 minutes of your class in the first month, then you would earn between $250 to $500.

Can I teach math on Skillshare?

Online Mathematics Classes | Start Learning for Free | Skillshare.

Will Skillshare help me get a job?

The Bottom Line: Does Skillshare Work? Yes – Skillshare is one of the largest websites in the e-learning space and it does work. It’s an effective way to learn new skills in our experience. However, since a variety of instructors upload courses to Skillshare, the quality varies and some courses are better than others.

How much do teachers get paid on Skillshare?

Each month, 30\% of the membership revenue is put into a royalty pool to pay teachers. According to Skillshare, on average, a teacher can earn around $200 in their first month with one class. Top teachers on the platform earn $3,000+ per month.

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What is a premium student on Skillshare?

A premium student is one who pays for a membership. The premium minutes watched by each premium student count towards your royalty payment. Note: Free classes do not count towards royalty payments. Additionally, Skillshare also provides teachers with referral links to promote the platform and classes taught by other teachers.

How do I get a free month with Skillshare?

Skillshare gives you a free month whenever you refer a friend, a family member, or anyone else to their platform. If someone signs up via your link and once they complete their first full payment of Premium membership, they’ll receive 14 days of Premium Membership for free, and your account will be credited with a free month of Premium.

How to create and publish a class on Skillshare?

1 Create an account on Skillshare, if you already haven’t. 2 Now visit and click on “ Start a Class.” 3 Upload your video lessons, add title and description, choose a category, sub-category, class type, level, and click on save draft or publish to publish your course.