
How many Targaryen kings are there?

How many Targaryen kings are there?

In the three hundred years between the Targaryen Conquest and the War of the Five Kings, there has never been a ruling queen: a female heir of the current monarch inheriting power in her own right. The first four Targaryen kings all had male heirs who were also their eldest child.

Was Joffrey worse than the Mad King?

Joffrey was a bad king, but far more people would have suffered torturous deaths under the man infamously known as the Mad King.

Who sat on the Iron Throne in order?

List of Kings

Order Monarch Spouse(s)
1 Aegon I Targaryen Visenya Targaryen Rhaenys Targaryen
2 Aenys I Targaryen Alyssa Velaryon
3 Maegor I Targaryen Ceryse Hightower Alys Harroway Tyanna of the Tower Elinor Costayne Rhaena Targaryen Jeyne Westerling
4 Jaehaerys I Targaryen Alysanne Targaryen

Who was King Aenys I Targaryen?

Aenys I Targaryen was Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and the second Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne. He was the son of King Aegon I Targaryen and his younger sister-wife, Queen Rhaenys Targaryen. He had a younger half-brother, Maegor I Targaryen .

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Why did Aenys give Blackfyre to Maegor?

Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen voiced a similar opinion, claiming that, by giving Blackfyre to Maegor, Aenys had admitted that he lacked the strength to rule. Within the first year of his reign, uprisings led by four rebels rose throughout the realm.

How was King Aenys crowned on the Iron Throne?

However, according to Maester Yandel, Aenys was crowned during a ceremony in the Red Keep with an ornate golden crown. King Aenys upon the Iron Throne, as depicted by Magali Villeneuve in The World of Ice & Fire. Aenys received the blessings of the Faith. Nonetheless, some people cast doubt on his ability to rule.